Chapter 7

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"Papa I don't want to start school!" I whined as I sat on a chair as he tried to make me eat breakfast.

Today was the day I was starting school and I was honestly dreading it.

"Look you're getting a good deal out of this, you're gonna miss quite a-bit of school anyways because you come to races." He sighed as he pushed the bowl of cereal towards me. "Now eat."

I roughly took a bite of the cereal.

"Go get ready, we can't have you being late on the first day." Papa patted my back as I walked upstairs.

The uniform was horrible it made me look like a box.

I huffed walking down the stairs as Papa looked me up and down.

"Why are you wearing a black skirt, I said specifically to Charlotte the school doesn't allow black skirts." Papa shook his head as I shrugged.

"I didnt know." I took the piece of toast he was eating and walked to the car.

Papa unlocked the car door as I sat in the front playing with my hands.

I wouldn't admit it to Papa but I was actually really nervous. I mean, what if no one liked me? Everyone's already got their friend groups so who would I even be friends with? People also might think i'm just a spoilt brat or something because of my Papa.

I was snapped out of my thoughts as Papa started the car. "You ready?" He asked as I nodded.

"Are you nervous?" He asked as he began to drive.

"No! Why would I be nervous?" I said as he laughed.

"Stop here." I said as we were a corner away from the school.

"Why? I'm allowed to drop you at the gates." Papa said as I put my hand over the steering wheel.


"Are you embarrassed of me?" Papa stopped the car as I sighed.

"No it's not that, it's just- I don't want to be seen as just 'Charles Leclerc's daughter' in school. I want to be my own person but I have a feeling it's going to be hard to do that here." I said as Papa put his arm around me.

"You're an amazing kid, Elise. You'll be fine. Now are you sure you're okay walking around by yourself?" Papa said as I opened the car door.

"Yes i'm fine, i'll see you after school." I said and waved him goodbye as he drove away.

I took a deep breath and walked around the corner until I was infront of the school gates.

It's okay Elise you got this-

I gasped as I was shoved by a group of boys laughing.

I shook my head and walked in to the building. There was kids everywhere and it was hard to walk around.

I wasn't quite sure where my first class was so I decided to try and ask someone.

"Excuse me?" I tapped a girls shoulder.

The girl turned around giving me a dirty look.

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