training with ben

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In a bustling training ground, two figures stood facing each other, ready to begin their intense session. Ben, with his signature green and black jumpsuit and powerful Omnitrix gleaming on his wrist, exuded confidence. Opposite to him stood Malik Matteo, a young scientist with the Xenotrix - a revolutionary device that granted him the power to transform into an infinite number of powerful alien beings.

Ben cracked a smile, his eyes gleaming with determination.

Ben: Ready to train, Malik? I've been looking forward to this.

Malik Matteo nodded, his focused gaze unwavering.

Malik: Absolutely, Ben. I know you're tough competition, but I'm always up for a challenge.

Ben: alright then let's do this.

You both switch the dials on your watches and hit them

Ben: cannon bolt!

Ben: cannon bolt!

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Malik: wrecker!

Malik: wrecker!

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Ben: wrecker?

Malik: cannonbolt?

Ben: ain't this a coincidence.

Malik: sure it is. Alright let's do this!

As the battle began, Cannonbolt charged towards Wrecker, spinning rapidly in an attempt to knock him off balance. Wrecker effortlessly dodged the attack, using his bouncy body to leap into the air and rain down sharp crystal shards upon his foe. Cannonbolt braced himself, his armored shell protecting him from the deadly projectiles, but the impact still sent him staggering back.

Seeing an opportunity, Wrecker swiftly closed the distance between them, his crystalline core glowing with energy. With a mighty punch, he struck Cannonbolt, sending him crashing into a pile of rubble. Despite Cannonbolt's resilient armor, the force of the blow was too much to handle.

Struggling to his feet, Cannonbolt prepared to counterattack, but Wrecker was already upon him. Using his bouncy body to bounce around unpredictably, Wrecker swiftly overwhelmed his opponent, landing blow after blow with pinpoint accuracy. The crystal shards embedded in Cannonbolt's armor began to weaken it, causing cracks to form.

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