Chapter 35: Second Date

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Song Zhizhi left the Song residence in Ji Baijian's car.

Song Zhizhi handed the milk and blood samples to Ji Baijian and told him, "Let me know when the results are out."

"Sure," Ji Baijian nodded and kept the samples in the car fridge.

"Where should we go now?" Song Zhizhi asked.

"You were the one who proposed the date," said Ji Baijian.

Meaning, she should be the one to plan the date too.

"You're a man, Ji Baijian, can't you be more proactive?" Song Zhizhi was not happy.

"Didn't you say you're a really good girl?" Ji Baijian's mouth curled into a smirk,

"Now you're making so many demands?"

Song Zhizhi was rendered speechless. After a long pause, she asked back, "Have you pampered me?"

Not only did Ji Baijian not answer, what infuriated Song Zhizhi more was that he actually had a leisurely smile on his face. And it was such a nice-looking smile too.

What the hell are you smiling at?!

The car drove around aimlessly.

Soon, the car made a stop at a street. Song Zhizhi saw Ji Baijian open the car refrigerator and took out the things she just gave him. He got out and passed the samples to a man in a black suit. The man left after taking the samples.

Then, Ji Baijian returned to his seat.

Song Zhizhi just stared at Ji Baijian. She knew very well that it was very convenient for members of high society like them to get certain things done, but somehow, for Ji Baijian, she felt as if it was almost...too convenient.

Ji Baijian felt Song Zhizhi's gaze and frowned. "If you have anything to say, say it."

"You're a lot harder to figure out than I thought," Song Zhizhi bluntly told him.

"Are you regretting your decision?" asked Ji Baijian, his eyebrows raised.

"Not exactly," Song Zhizhi's eyes focused, "The stronger you are, the better you can protect me, but..."


Could she trust him?

Ji Baijian seemed to have realized what she was thinking, but said nothing.

Song Zhizhi took a deep breath. She did not want to dwell on it too much.

She understood very well that they were only each taking what they needed from the other. If, when the time came, they found their goals no longer aligned, they could just part ways.

The car stopped once again, this time at a large amusement park.

Today was not the weekend, so the amusement park was not that packed, but there were still a considerable number of people there. Most of the visitors were parents taking their young children there to have fun. Of course, there were no lack of couples either.

Song Zhizhi actually had no interest in this kind of place. Her mental age was almost 30, so of course she no longer had much interest in these things. She told Ji Baijian, "So you like this kind of childish places."

"I don't," His long legs had already stepped inside the park.

Song Zhizhi quickly followed behind him. She then heard Ji Baijian say, "Just trying to make a kid happy."

Who are you calling a kid?! Goddamnit!

Big sister is dozens of years older than you!

Ji Baijian bought the tickets. He led Song Zhizhi straight to the thrilling rides. The first ride that Song Zhizhi and Ji Baijian got on was the roller coaster.