Night Beauty

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I'm looking at myself in the mirror.
The lights are dim, and the world is quiet.
I look the happiest and most energetic I've felt all day, and I wonder why.
The night takes away all the pain and leaves the beauty to stay.
The sun comes up, and while I'm getting ready, I catch sight of myself.
The only thought that comes to me is that this is not the same person who I saw last night.
I was glowing then, and my beauty felt real.
But as the last of these thoughts trail away, I know for certain that the night hid my darkness, my insecurities, my pain.
And the morning's brighter glow brings all that to the forefront, I wonder why my face looks so puffy, my body looks like I'd better lose some weight.
I always feel so inadequate, so small, a speck in the universe, that if I went away, no one would bat an eye.
The world would just keep going on and not wait or mourn for me for a second.
Then why do I want to stay?

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