Chapter 1

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Newt looked around him for the last time before going to bed. The glade was perfect. Lush green grass was growing, and the sunset had touched the edge of the maze's bleak walls, creating an orange spark all around. Newt loved this moment and wanted to stop time to live forever in this sunsetting scene.

All around, beetles chirped and hummed, making it seem like the trees were talking. Maybe they were, trying to tell Newt about something in the future.

Newt ruffled his blonde hair with his hand, as he saw the final rays of the sun sink behind the four dark walls surrounding the glade, and the thought of being trapped in this horrible place settled in. Newt always knew that there was no way to escape this place. He, Alby, and Minho had tried everything. Climbing trees, the walls, going back into the box they came up in, and most of all, tried to enter the maze but failed.

"Whatcha doing there, Newt?" Minho asked as he jogged out of the maze. The maze's door was closing with a loud crack like thunder.

"Just pondering about life, ya know?" he answered with his thick British accent.

"Tomorrow's the big day!" Minho said, one of his arms leaning against a tree near Newt.

Newt looked at him quizzically, and Minho laughed loudly.

"A new greenie shows up tomorrow! It's been a month, Newt! A whole shucking month! Time really does go fast here, doesn't it?" he continued.

Newt shrugged. For him, the days were long and boring, and he always found tasks to do to keep himself busy. He loved tending the garden. It was the task he was the best at. As for Minho, he entered the maze when the door opened, and came back before it closed. Minho had the busiest day out of all of the gladers here.

"Felt more like ages," Newt replied, still keeping his eyes on the maze's door until it closed shut, a gush of wind exited the door, and ruffled Newt and Minho's hair.

Minho chuckled. "See you around at the campfire tonight," and wandered towards the Homestead. Newt gave a nod and kept staring at the door, before peeling his eyes to the Homestead, the two-story shelter where boys in the glade slept and held meetings.

 Boys started to gather around a stack of wood a few yards away from the Homestead, and they were talking continuously. The conversation abruptly stopped when a loud blaring sound echoed out in the glade.

Newt hurried over to the box, which was the place where new people showed up. He never exactly knew where it led, but he had come from the same box.

Murmurs ran through the crowd as the boys gathered around the box. No box had ever come up this late. It usually came up when the sun was high above their heads.

The gate to the box opened, and a tall boy, with brown hair and eyes, lay, trembling, looking at the boys surrounding him. He looked perfect. Way to perfect. Even though it was dark, Newt could still tell that the boy inside was an angel. His wide, scared eyes made the boy cuter, and Newt couldn't resist himself.

Newt jumped down inside the box, offering his hand out.

"I'm Newt, welcome to the glade." He said, and the trembling boy took his hand, slowly climbing out of the box.

"W-where am I?" the boy asked, looking around at the dark glade, and the black walls that surrounded it.

"The glade, if you were listening to Newt," Alby said harshly.

"Alby, watch it. You're going to make him scared." Newt talked back.

"Do you remember what your name is?" Newt asked, turning to the boy.

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