Chapter 3

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"Thomas!" Newt screamed as he sprinted across the glade. Once he reached the unconscious Thomas, Newt kneeled next to him, putting his hand on Thomas's face.

"Oh, Thomas," Newt sighed. The sunlight had shown down on Thomas's face making him look like an angel. "Like an angel," Newt muttered. He gently stroked Thomas's face, brushing a piece of hair off of Thomas's face.

Thomas groaned and slowly opened his eyes. The first thing he saw was the worried eyes of Newt.

"Newt," Thomas faltered.

"Thomas, what were you thinking?" Newt demanded. "I leave you on your hammock only to find you lying on the ground! In front of the maze?"

"You didn't hear it?" Thomas asked, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Hear what?" Newt questioned.

"The sound. Like a low sound of a horn."

Newt furrowed his eyebrows. "No," he replied.

Thomas sighed. "Maybe I was hearing things."

"You should get some rest. You've been working too hard today, Thomas." Newt said, helping Thomas onto his feet.

"No, no, Newt. It was like a sound calling me." Thomas protested, looking up at Newt. "It was saying WCKD is good."

"Wicked?" Newt asked.

"Yeah. I-I don't know what that means, but I..." Thomas trailed off, deep in his thoughts.

"Why don't you tell me more about it once I get you to bed?" Newt pleaded, taking Thomas's hands in his.

Newt couldn't help but reach out to Thomas. The confusion on his face, his eyebrows, and every other feature of his face were too attractive to resist. Newt wanted to hug him so badly, but restrained himself, in case Thomas didn't want it.

"Come on!" Newt dragged Thomas into the Homestead.

"Really, Newt. I'm doing fine!" Thomas kept on saying.

"Sure, sure," Newt said and pushed Thomas into his hammock with a smirk. "Get some rest."

"But I'm fine, Newt," Thomas complained, sitting up in his hammock. Thomas looked up at the blonde who was staring back at him. He felt the urge to hug him, kiss him, but he held back, afraid of what the other would do.

The sun peeked through the openings in the Homestead, and Thomas looked up at Newt's worried face once more.

"Alright, but wake me up for dinner." With that, Thomas laid his head back, and closed his eyes, wanting nothing more, but to have Newt by his side, cuddled up next to him. He was scared of revealing his feelings to Newt. He didn't even know if Newt loved him back, much or less like.


"Hey, Thomas!" Thomas woke up to see a pair of brown eyes looking back at him, a smile etched on his face. Thomas smiled.

"Hey Newt," he replied, yawning. He didn't know how long he had slept, but it was time for dinner.

The two ended up eating a piece of bread with soup for dinner, and they sat around the campfire, nervously waiting for the doors to the maze to open again. The gladers were all worried about the runners, especially Minho. 

Gally was still furious that the maze was still closed, but he managed to keep himself from running into the campfire.

The night passed and the gladers waited anxiously by the dying campfire, hoping that the doors would be open.

"The grievers are going to come out," Newt muttered, his eyes fixed on the maze. 

Far away, the scream of a creature echoed around the glade, and everyone eyes one another wearily. Yes, they were all tired, but they kept on waiting, their hope diminishing like the flames of the fire.

After a few more hours, the campfire died down, and darkness enveloped them. Newt, moved closer to Thomas, feeling scared and miserable, hoping to feel strong arms around his body, comforting him.

Thomas, too, was afraid, and snaked his arms around Newt, embracing each other in the dark. And just like that, Newt and Thomas stayed together for the rest of the night, swallowed up by darkness, yet having the comfort of one another.

Author's Note:

Hey guys!! Sorry it took so long to publish this chapter, and I really apologize that this chapter was short as well. 😭😭😭

I was busy with school work, so please forgive me

This chapter was boring, but I promise to make it up in the next one, I swear. 

Alright, I hope you have a good morning/night! <3

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