Chapter 5

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Newt's body was frozen. He couldn't move or think, rooted to the ground. Thomas was still in his shock, and no gladers moved an inch to help.

Minho's arm started to tremble, and a sad and frightened face appeared over Minho's face. The rock in his hand dropped, making a loud sound echoing throughout the glade. Winston turned around, his eyes widening as he saw the rock on the floor.

"I-I," began Minho. Recognition of the gladers spread across his face. His arm lowered to his side, and he turned around. He started to sprint inside the maze, his body starting to jerk once he made it halfway to the corner. In a second, the body of Minho disappeared behind the walls of the maze.

"W-what just happened?" Thomas broke the silence.

"He looked..." Newt trailed off, trying to put pieces together in his head.

"Did he try to kill me?" Winston said, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Look, mate. That wasn't Minho or at least in the beginning," Alby replied.

"His face turned before running away," Newt added, scratching his head, baffled.

"Where's he going now?" asked Gally, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I don't know, but he's definitely not returning," noted Thomas.

Newt tried to process what had happened. First, there was Minho, then he went crazy, and then, he just ran off into the maze.

"One thing is for sure," Newt spoke up, "No one is going in the maze today."

A cry of protest rose from the gladers.

"But we need to map out the maze!" Cried the other.

"What happened to getting out of here?" Questioned another.

"Silence!" Gally shouted over them, "Did you not see Minho? We don't want any other of you guys acting like him. Besides, what if the door closes on you when you're exploring the maze?"

Silence fell over the gladers. A skinny hand slowly crept its way up above the crowd.

"How will we know it's safe to enter the maze again?" The boy asked. He was short, skinny, and had freckles all over his body.

"We'll send volunteers tomorrow." Alby decided. 

"Speaking of which," he continued, "Who wants to volunteer to enter the maze?"

Hesitation surrounded the gladers, and they all shifted their feet, suddenly becoming interested in their shoes. 

"I will," Newt said, giving a tight smile.

"What? Newt," Thomas intervened, putting his arm on Newt's shoulders. "It's going to be dangerous. You know what? I'm coming too."

"Anyone else?" Alby asked.

No one else raised their hands. Not even Gally or Winston.

"Guess you two are going then," concluded Alby.

"Are you not coming?" Thomas asked.

Alby shook his head. "I got to take care of the gladers here."

Thomas couldn't believe what he was hearing. Just the two of them? Tomorrow? In the maze? It sounded like a death sentence.

The only good thing that came out of this was that Thomas could spend time alone with Newt. Thomas's thoughts wandered off, and he found himself blushing. He quickly coughed in his fist and looked up at Newt.

Newt had been watching Thomas's face come slightly pink, and then back to its original color. What is he thinking about? Was he thinking about me? No way. Keep your mind together, Newt. Thomas doesn't like you. He's probably into girls, not guys.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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