Lucy, what's wrong baby?

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[Little note - please ignore some of the British language, it was easier for me than making sure I used the American ones x I hope you like it :) Sorry if it flips between past and present tense.]

Also trigger warning - mention of vomit.
The door to Lucy's apartment squeaks
slightly as Tim's silver keys unlock it. The home is quiet, almost silent accept for the slight buzz of the oven and a small chatter coming from the TV in Tamara's room.
"I'm home", Tim's voice breaks through the quiet. Footsteps shuffle towards the tall man as he plonks a green backpack from his shoulder onto the sofa, kicking off his shoes along with it. "Luce?" He questions as a reply to the feet coming his way.
"Just me", a soft yet slightly deep, teenage voice replies. "Hey." Tim says bristling past her to check what's in the oven. The warm air hits his face and the metal door slides open. Slowly, he grabs the tray out placing it carefully on the stove top. "Is there enough for me?" Tamara asks. Tim nods with a smile knowing she shouldn't have to ask. He covers the food up with a clean cloth and starts to set the table. "I'll do it, go wake up Lucy." The girls brunette hair waves against her back, reminding Tim of his girlfriends. "She's asleep?" His voice now slightly quieter. "Yeah, went to bed as soon as her shift ended." Prompting him to check the clock to work out how long it has been. An hour. He mumbles a noise before walking briskly to the door of her bedroom. Rather their bedroom now, he thinks to himself. When his light knock receives no reply he steps in, walking to her bedside.

The woman's eyes flutter open to a gentle hand combing through her hair. Dim light seeps through the closed blinds. "Morning" her voice rough from the unexpected awaking. He kisses her head in return. Grabbing the glass of water from her bedside table and gently placing it in her hand. Lucy, who is now sitting up rubs her eyes. "Hard shift?" He questions, shuffling under the duvet next to her. "No, just tired."
A questionable answer, but he decides not to push it. Pulling her into a hug. "Shit." She mutters, scrambling out of bed. "What's wrong?" His body automatically following behind her. "Dinn-" before she could finish  he interrupted. "Already taken it out of the oven, Tamara is setting the table." Her body relaxes as he finds her hand. "Are you sure you're okay?" She shrugs, moving towards the bathroom. "Is there time to take a shower before dinner?"
"Yes ma'am, can I come?" She pauses for a minute, replying softly with an apology. "Hey, it's fine you can say no." She nods gently, stepping into the bathroom as she unzips her hoodie. The door closes behind her.

His mind races, wondering if he's done something wrong. Though he hasn't really had a chance. They've had separate shifts since Tuesday and date night on Wednesday was perfect. Instead he changes into some jogging bottoms and a loose t-shirt to distract himself. Grabbing his green backpack from the sofa and hanging it up, then sitting alongside Tamara at the table. Their conversation is calming as she recites her school day, and catches him up on the most recent episode of top chef. As he hears the bathroom door slam shut again he starts to plate up their dinner. A cool breeze wafts through the bedroom door as Lucy enters the room. The window and blinds clearly now open. A smile now lays on her face. "Did the shower help?" Lucy replies with a yes, the conversation then quickly shifts back to dinner.

As they start to eat and chatter Tim notices Lucy's plate is still full with chicken and vegetables. His hand reaches to her thigh, rubbing the inside gently. Not wanting to ask her what's wrong again, he decides to leave it. Allowing the conversation to continue.

A little while later Lucy gets up and rushes to the bathroom. Her plate still untouched, worry invades Tim's mind. "Lucy!" Tamara's voice echoed around the apartment. Tim pushes back his chair but as he's about to get up he realises Tamara has already ushered off to find her. The buzz of the apartment settles down once again. He grabs the empty plates, popping them in the dishwasher and wrapping Lucy's in clingfilm before putting it in the fridge. A distinctive noise of a lock breaks the silence. Tim quickly rushes to the bathroom, where Lucy and Tamara sit with the door open. He stands there briefly, watching his girlfriend's body shake as his almost daughter-like friend whispers her name. Tamara breaks him out of his thoughts when the whisper in her voice rises to a concerned tone.

"Lucy, what's wrong baby?" his voice soft as he crouches next to the two girls. As her mouth opens to reply, her body retches and Tamara quickly pushes her towards the toilet. She gives a worrying look to Tim, who's grabbing Lucy's hair. "It's okay Tamara, she'll be fine." A reassuring tone settles in his voice. He rubs his girlfriend's back, her body tenses and relaxes between gags. "Why don't you go to your room, I don't want you to get sick too?"
Lucy mutters something inaudible as she hugs the loo. With no reply she repeats the sentence again, her voice slightly clearer. "She won't, Its my period." Tim cradles her body before pulling away to nod quickly to Tamara. A knowing message shared between looks as she leaves.  "They aren't usually like this." Tim's voice says calmly as he reclaims his position around Lucy. "I know, It's just a bad one I guess." She confirms. Her hand reaches for Tim's as she places a hair bobble around his wrist. "I don't think my hair is long enough, sorry Luce." He jokes. She gives him a look with a contained laugh. His hands reach into her hair pulling the strands in a loose ponytail. She nods approvingly before throwing up back into the toilet.

After an hour of sitting on the cold tile floor, Lucy's stomach seems to have settled and Tim leads her back the bedroom. "Can you get me some clean clothes please?" She asks. Her fingers intertwine with her gold necklace fiddling with the charm. Brown eyes meet his and he plops a pair of leggings and a band t-shirt on her lap. "This is yours." She says. "I know, I thought you might want something looser." As he speaks she starts to undress. She pulls up her leggings and is about to cover her sports bra up with his t-shirt when she winces. Immediately he leans towards her making sure his face is level with hers. "What's wrong, are you gonna be sick again?" She shakes her head slipping on his t-shirt. "Cramps, do you mind getting me my meds whilst I brush my teeth?" He smiled warmly, not needing to answer. Instead lifting her off the bed and carrying her back to the bathroom as she laughs. "Tim, that's not helping the nausea." She screeches through laughter. He chuckles then leaves with her two feet now on the floor to grab a paracetamol and refresh her water. Still holding a smirk on his face.

When he returned Lucy was sitting in bed, her laptop on her legs and a hot water bottle pressed against her stomach. "You look cosy." She really did. A fuzzy blanket laid over her lap, her dark eyes twinkled with the moon that had now risen. "Mhm" she says as the corners of her mouth twitch up into a smile. Her hand pats the pillow next to her. So, Tim gets changed into his pjs, jumps into bed next to her pressing play on the show she had paused.

The paracetamol had kicked in, she'd eaten some crackers and managed to keep them down. The show was now turned off and her eyelashes fluttered drifting into sleep with the comfort of Tim's hand rubbing her neck.

Also yay season 6!!

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