A morning run.

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Everyday Tim started his morning with a run. It didn't matter where he went or even who he was with, he loved the thrill he felt when sun hit his face and his body was free.

"Good morning Luce." Tim said whilst pouring himself a coffee into his little yellow flask. His girlfriend's face smiled warmly at him before walking towards Kojo who was lying on the cool kitchen floor. "Good morning." The women's voice all squeaky causing the pup to wag his tail. "Your dog voice is adorable." Tim said sarcastically, rolling his eyes for extra effect. "If you want attention just say so." But before he could reply, he felt Lucy's arms wrap around his waist and his mockery instantly melted away.

"I'm going for a run, wanna come?" Often Lucy joined him, but she has a busy day so simply shook her head before speaking. "But I will have some of that coffee." Tim watched her eyeing his flask and briskly passed it to her before pouring the leftover coffee into her own flask. "Swapsies." She grinned.

"Kojo, wanna go for a run?" The dog's ears perked up at the last word, tilting his head sideways as Tim patted his thigh to signal they were going. "C'mon boy." Tim murmured as he leashed Kojo and they walked outside shutting the door behind them.

Slowly, the day started and as the sun rose so did everyone else. Tim jogged beside the road stopping every now and then to let Kojo sniff another dog or a lamppost. He would never admit it to anyone especially not Lucy but he loved this dog. Lively birds fluttered from tree to tree whilst a few sung from their nests. A bark broke him from his admiration as he slowed his feet to a stop.

In front of him stood Angela Lopez, his best friend since well, since Angela managed to "soften him" as she would say. And though he would laugh it off, he couldn't deny that she was one of the few people he was almost always happy to see. "Morning" a look of surprise covered his face as processed their meeting. "Why are you here?" He added. "Wow" she said stretching the word before continuing.  "Nice to see you too." She scoffed jokingly. "Sorry, but why are you here?" Tim softened his tone slightly as he spoke. "I was just on my way to see Lucy, is she at yours?" Tim nodded as their conversation continued.

A little while later Angela walked off, waving goodbye and agreeing to take Kojo back with her so Tim could finish his run.

It was strange, the way he loved the world like this. He spent week after week trying to solve problems in society, seeing the way people acted and how brutal things were. But this, this could never been seen as brutal. It was a society made out of people,animals and nature. What else could you need?

The smell of fresh cut grass traveled past him and he watched a squirrel scatter at the noise of his neighbours lawn mower. The sunrise had turned into orange clouds bursting against the blue sky. It was all Tim could focus on for the rest of the run, enjoying his morning.

Eventually he had to go home, but he was grateful to be comforted with the chatter coming from the kitchen. His two favourite girls voices, as they laughed at whatever their conversation had grown into. "I'm home." He called out, pouring the food that Kojo had begged for earlier into his bowl. The dog's tail wagged in excitement and Tim walked up in a similar manner, less dog like though. More just happy.

I can't believe I forgot to put my ending on here (I'm editing this) ANYWHO! Thank you for reading, I know this one was kind of simple 💕I also have posted on my other story, if you wanna check that out! Hope you enjoyed, as always feel free to comment any requests :)

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