1) Shiii-

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Hey pretty people! This one was a request, I hope you like it <3 it'll probably be 2 parts xx

A gentle hand runs through Lucy's hair, sweeping it out of her eyes. Slowly a smile creeps up on her face before she stretches out her arms towards Tim. He nods before gently lifting her up onto his lap on the bed.
As her head presses against his chest she listens to his heartbeat, the comforting sound of her boyfriend's rhythm. Almost like a permanent drumbeat, she breathed in deep before exhaling and looking up at him.

"How are you feeling?" His tone soft, "nauseous?" He adds. Lucy nods, taking the shift in the moment as a reason to get up. "You gonna be sick?" His crystal blue eyes following her closely as she tiptoes off to the on-suit. Lucy has been feeling sick on and off for months, she insisted she was fine though. Tim looked after her when she needed it and when she didn't he still made sure he was keeping an eye on her.

A little while later.

"Tie your hair up, Chen." Grey prompted. She'd forgotten this morning, rushing around the house trying to soothe her nausea. "Here." Celina's voice came from in front of her, plopping a hair bobble into Lucy's open hand. "Thank you." She whispers back, smiling. Grey gave an approving nod before continuing on with instructing everyone for the day.

"Shiiii-" she stops herself, trying not to swear in front of the whole roll call room. The pain quickly fades away after a few seconds and Lucy continues to try focus. Honestly it was a blur but she was brought back when she heard her name. "Lucy, you're with Bradford today. Metro is helping out with patrol since we are so short staffed." Good, she needed some safety today.

Everyone's feet pattered against the freshly polished floor as they started their morning. It was soothing, the way everybody was moving about. "Chen." Lucy looked up at Tim realising she'd been day dreaming so much she hadn't even realised they had reached the body cams. "Are you okay?" Her eyebrows lowered into a confused look. "Shiiii-" he parroted her, his voice mockingly high pitched. Her body nudged into his in return. "I'm fine, just like cramps or something." She replied rolling her eyes.

As the day went on Lucy's pain continued. She shook it off, but by her third call she decided to tell Tim. Her mind searched for the write words, how to not panic her boyfriend whilst on patrol? Knowing Tim, he would either comfort her or rush her to the nearest hospital. She knew he was keeping an eye on her, noticing the way he stayed a little closer to her. But before she had the chance to decide what to say she was bent over again her pelvis aching much worse than before. "It's getting worse." He said, not even needing her words to confirm. The voice she answered with was calm, too calm. It was for him, to keep him relaxed. "They are getting closer together, more painful." She continued. "Can you take me to the hospital." Only now would she admit that maybe a doctor was a good idea.

On the way, they discussed the pain. "It's like a cramp." Lucy said. "But you're on the pill, right?" He asked, his voice distant. She nodded her mouth squishing into the slight pout that she says when she's about to admit something. He knew it too well, her little anxious face that told him she'd watched top chef without him. "I missed a month. A while ago, but I didn't have any pain then." He nodded, but he wasn't really listening. He was too busy watching the hospital staff rush in and out of A&E.

"C'Mon." His attempt to sound encouraging didn't really work but Lucy listened anyway. Waddling out of the car, with her arm linked around Tim's. The hospital was filled with fluorescent lights, loud noises and complaining. It was literally the perfect place for overstimulation. Though Lucy had never disliked the hospital, she always felt a little bit more on edge when wandering inside. Being aware in the hospital was pretty helpful when she's on shift so it didn't bother her.

"I need the loo." She spoke softly to Tim, her body leaning into his. "Mkay." Matching her tone, and stopping his feet at the bathroom door. The lock clicked as he leaned onto the adjacent wall, pulling out his phone to text Grey about where they were in case he hasn't heard the radio earlier. Moments later Lucy's voice called out. "Tim." Worry was the only emotion he heard as he called her name back to her. Slowly the door unlocked and he shuffled in without question, making sure he was blocking the door before being able to shut it behind them. "I-my-I don't." Her voice broke out between confused sobs. He grabbed her hands, closing the toilet lid and sitting her down on it so she could take some deep breaths.

As she focused on her breathing he noticed. He noticed the water on the floor by the sink. He noticed the way it wasn't only below the sink but it ran down her trousers, barely noticeable unless you focused to see the giant patch of slightly darker blue. "What happened?" He questioned as he grabbed paper towels getting ready to dry her. But before she could answer she let out a yelp at the recurrence of the pain in her body.

"Just wait here, I'll be right back." Tim promised. Her body shook, she was petrified. It couldn't be? Right? Lucy listened to her boyfriend demanding for a doctor, and trying to rush back to her. Gosh, she loved him.

Hii! I hope you like this part. Thank you so much for the request, and thanks for reading. I feel like it's easier to read in parts but if you prefer it all together let me know.
Have a good day, next part coming soon! ALSO NEW PIC. but it's still me 😋

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