🥀*+~the jobs part 9~+*🥀

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📌Bloomie was 24 years old✂️
🥀Thavel 25 years old🥀

Bloomie was looking for a Job, who knows what job she wants,?
Bloomie was pretty focused being maybe science teacher.? She was good. At science straight A+ Student

Bloomie thinking maybe the job will fit her, since science..? Bloomie thought about it, she decided to looks jobs, if there is no science teacher,

Bloomie was looking online not seeing anything about a Science teacher Job, she was pretty sad and thinking that there was no hope for her....

Bloomie Decided to go for a walk to help calm down because she just wanted to become a Science teacher when she was all grown up.

Bloomie was walking next to an old park that she used to hang out on the Bench when she wanted to relax, she decide to sit at the old bench.... When a Piece a paper hit her face.

Bloomie's eyes were Shocked it was a form for her old school that apparently were hiring a lot of new teachers and some of them haven't been token yet.

Bloomie jumped up in excitement as she actually has a chance to become what she wanted to become! There was finally **hope** for her.

Bloomie started heading towards the school hoping that the Science teacher job hasn't been taken yet

Bloomie smiled as she slowly saw the school appear in front of her Bloomie walked through the front entrance and up the stairs and open the door to the school.

While she walked inside the school she went inside the principal office and Grace noticed Bloomie how much she grown up

• Student to the Teacher

Miss Bloomie talked about being a teacher for awhile, principal Grace approved Bloomie should be a teacher

Bloomie was happy that they still had a spot for her as a Science Teacher, she just wanted to burst out in happiness.

She Thanked Miss Grace for the huge opportunity that she was giving Bloomie.

Bloomie: Thank you so much Miss Grace! :3
Miss Grace: You welcome, let me take you to your classroom so you can start getting ready for when students come in
Bloomie: Okay! **Excited**

Miss Grace took Bloomie through the hallway towards the old Science room.

As they got to the classroom, Bloomie looked excited for it but it needed to be cleaned a lot

Miss Grace: I'm sorry its such a mess right now but with some work you'll have a clean classroom!
Bloomie: Yeah, I'll work my hardest get this room clean as can be :3

Three hours pass and Bloomie had finally finished cleaning up the classroom...

Bloomie was tired cleaning the classroom, but it was worth it, cuz she was happy she got a job in science class that's the thing matters to her thb,

[[ All the Students Arrived ]]

Bloomie started to teach class while principal Grace listened what Bloomie teaching blah blah blah, The class was over Miss Grace was so proud of Bloomie

Grace: You did good job Teaching the Students, i knew it, you definitely deserved teaching this class heh
Bloomie: Thank You Miss Grace <33

Grace: Your welcome dear, you deserve this job
Bloomie: I can't thank you enough for this!

Bloomie decide after school and grading was over that she would go somewhere to eat something but she didn't know exactly were to go yet...

Bloomie decided to walk around town for bit and found an old Ice cream shop that looked good so she bought some then went to a park to relax

Bloomie started to think of the old days of when she was in school still, and remember what happened between her and Thavel.... She shaked her head.

Bloomie: that was in the past it doesn't matter now, I'm **happier** now...
Bloomie: No being sad!

Bloomie sat down eating her ice cream when she saw a bunch of kids running pass her.

Bloomie Smiled watching the Children playing at the playground having a lot of fun.

Bloomie looked at the children playing amazing, until she saw familiar Female Going to the school, she couldn't describe it who she was, as Bloomie walked inside the school but she tried looking for that familiar female she finally found her, and-

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