A Mysterious Case

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Upon unlocking his office door I immediately saw something unsettling. My dad wasn't a messy person but I knew him. And that, wasn't the way he fonctionned.

I had the habit to analyse every person I met, it wasn't a conscious thing, I just did it. It usually didn't come to use but I felt small details were always a good thing to notice. Wether it be the way Isaac always flinched any time a guy raised his voice, in anger or not. Just any loud, deep sounds would make him jumpy.

The way Lydia always bit her lips in class when someone gives the wrong answer.

How Allison always looked down when an adult entered the room before forcing herself to look up.

The way Derek's eyebrow furrowed ever so slightly when he was concerned for someone.

All those small details had their own importance. It made it easier to understand people in a way. And that ability, even though it didn't come in handy a lot, proved that something was most definitely wrong.

The bloody car in my driveway was a dead giveaway but this overly tidied office gave me as much of clues as the crime scene.

I switched on the light, and quickly looked around the room, making sure no one was inside other than me. After having checked every corner and finding out I was alone in the room i decided to pay closer attention.

I had felt something was off but now that I could take a closer look I realized what exactly had made me feel that way. The various items that were usually put in a very special and unique order on my father's desk all laid in a random manner.

The framed picture of us that always laid on the left side was put on the very right. It didn't make sense for my dad to do that, he had always valued our family more than anything after his wife, Claudia, passed away. I arrived in his life three months after her death and he always told me and my brothers that I had been the one that saved him from drowning into alcoholism.

He always made sure he could see this picture, it was his favorite. However due to an accident on a hunt when he was young he had lost his eyesight on the right side. I knew my father. He would never put that picture here.

This must mean someone broke in during the time my dad left work and the time I found the car. Maybe he was searching for something, wasn't able to find it and ended up following my dad to force him into telling where he put the object, with the whole interaction ending up with the criminal kidnapping my dad and leaving the sheriff's car behind.

This was only an hypothesis, nothing could be confirmed as of now but this was a great start.

I opened one of my dad's drawer. The last one on the left to be precise. At first glance it was just a bunch of papers, a pen and random other little objects. But I knew it was just a look. An illusion made to make people believe that this was a completely normal sheriff's office drawer.

But I knew it wasn't, I remembered, when I was still just a child, running around his office but he got an important call and as his eyes darkened and eyebrows furrowed he had glanced at me quickly before agreeing and leaving the room, not saying a word to me.

Me, being a curious and hyper-vigilant child, wanted to explore and know every corner of the room. I had the habit of always spotting the possible exits from any room I entered but I had Analyse this one over and over again. The problem being that I never got too close the desk as my father had always forbade me from going near it. And particularly the drawers.

Something was up with it. I knew there was something abnormal, something my father hid. Maybe it wouldn't help, maybe it was completely unrelated or useless in my situation, but he worked really hard to keep it hidden from me. I hated having to invade his privacy but if I couldn't know then it meant it this was important, it might even be a life or death important type of things and I wouldn't be surprised if my dad had been abducted because of it.

As I felt my hands begin to shake at the thought of my father's faith I reminded myself to breath and calm myself down.

I didn't even know if it really was my father's blood, and even though I couldn't hope for anything else I knew the chances were more then low.

I took out the multiple papers and objects that laid around inside the drawer until it was completely empty. I let my fingers trace the inside of the drawer, exploring it throughly. Everything seemed...normal.

Maybe I was wrong, I was sure something must have been inside. It didn't make sense, everytime I tried surprising my dad he'd close this particular drawer immediately if it was opened. It couldn't be that simple.

After knocking on the wood and pushing on various part of the bottom wood I heard something strange. I pushed on the right corner and something clicked. What was that...

I was now holding the bottom layer of the drawer inside my hands. I tossed it aside as it revealed a metallic safe. However there was no where for a code to be typed in. I looked carefully at the safe, before noticing that outside the drawer there was some kind of small black plate. I touched it and it lit up with what seemed to be fingerprints patterns.

It might have been a stupid idea but I decided to put my thumb against the plate. I doubted it would have worked but I didn't have any other solution.

To my surprise the plate began to glow green and the safe opened by itself. Did my dad enter my finger prints inside this safe because he knew something like this could happen one day?

I knew my father could be secretive but he had never really hidden a lot, well apart from this. I started to recall other times he had been sketchy around me, maybe he was in trouble and I simply didn't notice.

I had let my guard down around him since I thought we didn't hide anything from one another but it seemed like he had his own little garden of secrets. I understood his point of view and his way of acting but it didn't make it any easier, on the contrary. It made me feel more guilty than anything since he probably had his reasons and I felt resentment I shouldn't feel since he did it for a reason.

I shook my head to get back to reality, it wasn't the time to feel hurt, I loved my dad and I knew he loved me too. I needed to find him and I needed to do it quick.

Fully opening the safe I was waiting for a huge surprise, something big, dangerous and unexpected but in there only laid a simple little pill, or it seemed like.

I carefully took it with two fingers and slammed it inside my pocket as I saw movement in front of me. My hand immediately placed itself around my ankle where I kept a hunter knife at all time. Without sounds, I grabbed my pants leg and pulled it up so that the leathers strap holding the knife in place were visible. With caution I unbuckled the security and took a hold of the knife, my eyes scanning the outside of the office through the giant windows that gave me a full view of the corridor.

A shadow figure was standing in front of the door, only the corridors light wasn't on and the office's was. That person could clearly see me while I wasn't able to, they had the uperhand.

Grabbing the knife harder I prepared myself to strike but the person wasn't moving anymore, they only seemed to try and watch me through the blurry windows, only if I didn't move they would have more trouble spoting me.

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