5. Fuck you

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I was watching a film with Danny when someone came home. I didn't bother to look who because I know who it was. I saw Lee went to his room.

,,What are you watching?" Isaac asked while he sat beside me and I laughed. Cole sat beside Danny.

,,You and Cole kissing girls" I replied and he froze.

,,How do you know that?" Cole asked.

,,Erin told Jackie and she told me" I said while drinking juice.

,,It was just a dare" Isaac said while looking at me and I shrugged.

,,I don't fucking care I just care for Jackie. Don't fucking come near her Cole or I swear" I said standing up and smiling at Danny.

,,Thank you Danny, goodnight"

,,Wait I am going too" He smiled and I nodded.

,,I have TV in my room we can watch if you want"

,,Sure" he said with a smile. We grabbed or things and went upstairs while Isaac and Cole were stiil sitting there.

I saw Jackie, Nathan and Lee on the stairs. When we came in my room Lee said he wasn't with them and Jackie told me she's going to sleep in Nathan's room because they want to watch a film too. They told me Alex stayed at Kylie's. When they were gone me and Danny lay down on my bed and start watching the film again. I lay up on him and he didn't say anything. My head was on his chest while my legs were on his. I smiled at him and he smiled back. We continued watching until I fell asleep.


What was that? She didn't care? About what I did?

,,What does that even mean?" I asked Cole and he laughed.

,,What do you fuck do you mean?! Of course their reaction is like this, I can't believe I listen to you and went on that stupid party" he said shouting at me.

,,Fuck you! I didn't tell you to kiss her, YOU did that" I shouted back and he threw the table across the room.

,,Fuck what am I gonna do? What if she's going back to New York? How can I take her back?" He said talking to himself. I wish I knew. I fucked up too and I mean it.. I am a little bit drunk but that doesn't excuse me for what I've done.

,,I don't know... We've fucked up"

I heard the door open and I immediately looked at Cole. Fuck.

,,What happend?!" Kathrine shouted. Cole didn't even say anything he just went to his room while George was telling him to stay.

,,What happend Isaac?" Kathrine asked again and I didn't know what to say. George took Jordan, Parker and Benny upstairs. I just turned around, overturned the table put it back and the things that were on it and went to my room without saying anything. They knew we werent going to say anything tonight. I know they gonna ask tomorrow.

I woke up and the first thing I saw is Danny. He was still here. I smiled and woke him up.

,,Danny" he woked up and I laughed.

,,Stop laughing" he said and I stopped, I was just smiling now.

,,Okay but you need to go back to your room" he agreed and went back. I heard shouting behind the door but I didn't care what's happening right now. Someone opened my door and then locked it. I looked who it was and it was fucking Isaac Garcia.

,,What do you want fuck boy" I said while laying down not bothering that he is here and that he can see my butt in this shorts.

,,Did you sleep with him" he asked and I laughed.

,,Why do you care. I'm sure you slept with that chick that you kissed" he lied next to me and I looked at him.

,,I didn't. Now tell me" he was looking at my butt while talking to me. Fucking bastard.

,,I didn't but I really wanted to" with that he slapped my butt and he lied onto me and started roughly kissing me. I couldn't stopped I started moaning and he did too. He started kissing my neck leaving hickey on it and I couldn't stopped moaning his name.



,,Just know what doesn't mean anything" I told him and he laughed while he looked me in the eyes.

,,Princess this is just the beginning" when I heard that I immediately thought about my ex.. he said that to me too but not in this situation.

Someone started banging on the door.

,,What?!" I shouted and Lee shouted that Kathrine wants everyone down in the kitchen.

,,Okay I'll be there in a minute!" I said while I pushed Isaac down of off me.


,,Fuck you" he laughed and I smiled. I hate him but I can't be without him. I don't want to. We went down and everybody was already there.

,,Whats happening?" I asked and Kathrine told us to sit.

,,What happend yesterday? Do any of you knows?" She asked us.

,,I don't know what you are talking about? Nothing happend yesterday" I said and she looked at me.

,,Well Cole yesterday threw a table across the room for whatever reason. Danny slept in your room and I don't even want to know what you two were doing but were still gonna talk about that. Also you have a hickey on your neck so I am beyond pissed right now" I didn't know what to say I just smiled and Jackie laughed.

,,Also me and Cole aren't together anymore but don't worry I'm not going anywhere" Jackie said and I laughed. Kathrine was looking at us like we aren't normal and George sighed.

To be continued.

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