I - It's Your Child

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One rainy night, King Maximo Darcy who was a man who possessed the power of fire, was witnessing the birth of his firstborn son with his wife Nadia Darcy who was a very beautiful woman with beautiful blue eyes, their son was given the name of Cain Darcy and five years later was born the second prince who occupied the name of Malik Darcy. When the first prince was born, the king did not doubt for a second that he was his son, because Cain was born with a great resemblance to him, sharing his black hair and his distinctive red eyes, but, instead, when Malik was born they only looked alike in the hair, but nothing else, making him doubt if he was really his son.

- Are you sure he is my son? -Maximo said to his wife.

- Why are you asking that question? -Nadia said angrily.

-Because I find it very strange that this child doesn't look anything like me.

- What's wrong with you, Maximo? Of course, he is your son and I remind you that he is also my son, just look at my eyes. -Said Nadia disappointed.

-Of course he's your son, but nothing assures me that he's mine. Listen to me well if I find out that this child is not mine, I will kill you both, so I prayed to the Gods that at least he has powers.

The queen was very angry, but at the same time calm because she knew that it was her son. Ten years passed since the king's threat, and in these few years the king realized that his son Cain is a prodigy, although he has not yet awakened his power, he has demonstrated a talent with weapons, while Malik has not even managed to lift a sword. The older the children grew, the more Maximo realized that they did not look like brothers. One day the king was given news of a supposed sorcerer who assured him that his youngest son was not his. Upon learning of this, the king became a madman and waited for the night to trap his wife and Malik and take them to a dark forest to end his life, but he did not count that Cain could see everything, and although he did not know who he was, he did not hesitate for a second and chased him.

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