II - The Death of the King

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At the present time. Cain is standing contemplating his mother's grave.

-Hi mommy, I wish you a happy birthday, I can't tell you how sorry I am that I can't hug you on this special day. I miss you in the quietest way possible. -Cain said, a little sad.

-But at the same time I hate it, because of that idiot Máximo, who, for the excuse of your death, celebrates this day by doing an alcohol test, bringing several drunk men to offer him his drink and for the prize he gives him a great amount of money. And it is not only that, but he deceives people, because in these twenty years he has not won anyone and it is not that he has not liked anyone, but he likes to enjoy himself, without making the slightest effort. -Cain said angrily.

A flower comes off the cherry tree, which is behind Cain, it falls directly on his head, Cain takes it, sees it, smiles and calms down, because he treats that little moment as if his mother is asking him to calm down.

-I'm sorry, mom, but it's very hard for me to bear that the way Máximo mourns you is an alcohol festival and about your death, I've already accepted it, but it still makes me sad. But changing the subject, I have to tell you something. Ten years ago I started to feel very bad, and they told me I had a very serious disease, but they told me I was in time and I started to take care of myself, but they just told me that the treatment has not given me results, and they told me that...

She kneels down, her voice breaks, she begins to cry, she puts the flower on the grave.

-Mom...they told me that at any moment I could die, that I didn't have more than a week to live, and I don't want to leave, I can't leave that man with Malik. But at the same time, I want to meet you, I can't stand so much pain anymore, I want to scream the truth.

A few minutes pass.

- Do you remember Alberto? Maximo's younger brother. Ten years ago I met him and I asked him to please train Malik, and he accepted, he is going to become very strong, even stronger than me.

Later in the Kingdom of Darcy the festival was taking place, each participant offered the best drink to the king, when he tasted it, they could see his face and realized that he liked it, but he quickly said with displeasure.

-If I were you, I would be ashamed to show up with this crappy drink," said the king. -said the king.

The poor man breaks the bottle, Cain only observes him and when he leaves the castle he says to the lord.

-Hey, please excuse us, he shouldn't have treated you like that. -Cain said.

-Don't worry. -Said the lord.

The lord coughs and spits a large amount of blood from his mouth.

-My friend. Are you all right?

-Calm down young man, it's normal, what happens is that I'm very sick and that's why I introduced myself, because if I earned that money I was going to leave it to my family so that they wouldn't suffer so much when I leave.

Cain starts to think.

-What this man has, is the same thing I have.

-My friend, I'm sorry to tell you that I was never going to win, it's not because of the drink, but the king is never going to pick a winner, excuse us.

-Don't tell me that, since they told me I had this disease I spent five years fixing my best drink to try to win, but it was all a waste of time.

The man says goodbye.

-Sir, wait, I have a deal for you.

- What's the deal?

-It's that you have to sell me your life.

- What?!

-First, don't be scared, and second, it's to save a life.

-If that's what it's about, I'm listening. -Let's be honest.

Let's be honest, you don't have long to live, I need you to kill the king, you'll show up again with your drink, but poisoned, when the king is already delirious, obviously he'll ask me to kill you, and I'll do it, but on the condition that when I'll personally deliver your body to your family I'll give them a larger amount of the money promised from this so-called festival.

- Why are you going to do all this?

-My brother is coming, and the king hates him, and I am afraid that he will kill him, and unfortunately I will not be able to save him, because I have the same disease as you, that is why I want to kill him, because, even if he is left alone, no one will harm him. But if he doesn't want to, I won't force him.

Cain walks away.

-I'm going to do it.

Cain smiles.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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