𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝙑𝙄𝙄𝙄.

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I sniffed quietly, hugging Lucas and Sarah

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I sniffed quietly, hugging Lucas and Sarah.

I was leaving today. A matter of fact in like 5 minutes. I just didn't wanna say it out loud or even think about it because it would hit it me even harder. Fuck this, I hate goodbyes.

"I'm gonna miss you two so much. I had the best time this week, thank you."

"We're gonna miss you too, Mae. You need to visit us way more often because it's way better and funnier with you here." said Lucas, making me smile. They mean the world to me.

Sarah was a sobbing mess, so she didn't even say a word. She just nodded at me, and I laughed, hugging her once more. She just sobbed. "Dude stop, you're making me cry even more."

We laughed and she pulled away. She took a deep breath. "I hate this."

"Me too."

"You're gonna give us updates every millisecond of the day, megértetted?" (understood?)

I nodded smiling before pulling them into another hug. "I love you."

"I love you too." the two said in unison.

We pulled away and just looked at each other. We were sobbing messes genuinely. From the moment we woke up.

The three of us burst out laughing. We can't even take ourselves seriously in this situation. "Szivem, gyere." my mom called from the car. (Love, come on.)

"Good luck with the band, babe." Sarah said, taking my hand in hers. I smiled, tears clouding my vision. I quickly blinked them away as Lucas took ahold of my other hand.

"You guys will be great." he said. "Fuck. At this point y'all are just trying to make me cry even more." We laughed. "Thank you. Good luck surviving it here cause y'all will need it." I joked.

Our town was questionable. With questionable people too. Wild.

"Thank you, holy shit." Lucas sighed, laughing.

"See you guys next time. Bye bye."

"Bye, Mae."

"Bye, love."

And with that I got in the car.


hi bill! im omw back:)


me too!!♡ ive missed yall
way too much:(

ugh, dont even get me started
have a safe ride tho! ily!!♡

thanku! ily2!♡


"Mae, wake up. Megérkeztünk." (We arrived.)

I groaned, opening my eyes. I fell asleep a while back which I wasn't surprised about since I barely got any sleep last night. I was stressing too much about today.

Focusing my eyes, I finally figured out where I am. Our house came into view and so did the rest of the neighborhood. I smiled knowing I am reuniting with the boys today.

Something good about today.

I opened the car door and stretched after getting out. Sitting in the car for 8 hours straight was not fun.

"Could you help with your bags, please?" I heard my mom ask. I quickly went over to the trunk and took my stuff out, taking it up to my room immediately. I lied down on my bed.

A sigh left my mouth as I stared up at the ceiling. I took my phone out, calling Sarah. "Mae!" I heard her and Lucas. I immediately smiled. "Hi! Just calling to let you know I'm alive."

"Thank you for letting us know." said Lucas. You could hear the smile in his voice.

I smiled. "I have to go now-"


"I have to unpack and I'm tired, hagyatok." (leave me alone.)

"Good luck, dear!"

"Thank you. Have fun, love you both! Bye bye."

"We love you too! Byee!" they both said before hanging up.

I put my phone down, smiling. I should really unpack now.


"Mae, Mia! Vacsora!" (Dinner!) I heard my mom yell from downstairs. Wonder what she made for dinner tonight since she didn't ask what we specifically wanted.

Leaving my room, I saw Mia waiting for me. "Are you okay?"

She smiled and nodded. Mia reached her arms out. She wanted me to carry her downstairs. I couldn't say no to her.

So, I picked her up and she wrapped her hands around my neck, burying her head in my shoulder. She was probably so tired from the drive.

We walked downstairs and I almost dropped my poor sister as I realized who was in front of me. I let out a gasp, automatically smiling which made Mia turn around.

She smiled and wanted to be out of my hands immediately.

I put her down and both of us made our way towards the boys instantly. I pulled them into a hug, Mia getting lost between us. It felt so nice to be with them again.

Our laughs filled the whole house.

"We missed you so much!"

"Us too!" I said pulling away. "I think Mia may have missed you more than me." I joked, picking Mia back up. She sent me a glare. "I hung out with my friends just like you, don't lie."

The boys laughed as I rolled my eyes, though couldn't help the smile.

"Come eat now."

My mom said as she set the plates of food down. Oh, she made fried cheese with fries! Ugh, that's gonna be so fucking good.

We all sat around the table and started eating, catching up on the week in which we weren't together. It was fun hearing their stories and sharing mine as well.


"Didn't know you smoked."

I quickly turned around, letting out a sigh of relief once I realized it was Bill. "Shit. You scared me."

He laughed. "Don't worry, I'm not your mom."

I smiled, bringing the cigarette up to my lips. I was leaned against the window frame, looking outside. The night breeze was not that cold since it was May, but it was perfect enough to be refreshing.

The window was wide open to quickly get rid of the smoke. I do not wanna get caught. Not anytime soon at least.

"Can I?"

I looked over to Bill whose hand was reached out towards me. I nodded passing him the cigarette.

He then passed it back to me.

"Is it... better there?" Bill asked, breaking the silence.

I blew the smoke out as I thought about my answer. "I mean, not really. I guess people are maybe a little nicer, but they're still assholes."

The boy just nodded.


"I don't know. I just... I like standing out and you know, being different. But sometimes people's reactions make me feel so stupid for it." he admitted. Oh.

"Bill. No matter where you are there will always be people who won't like you or just something about you. You could be the best person on the planet, which you honestly are, and someone would still have a problem." I told him, passing the cigarette.

He took it and looked at me to continue. "I think it's really brave of you to be yourself and want to stand out in a place like this. And with everything you experienced."

"Trust me, once we get big you will be admired for your amazing makeup and hair and the most perfect style. And not just that, but your personality too. I bet you will help so many people our age and even older or younger to be themselves unapologetically."

"I didn't ask you to make me cry, Mae." he said as he sniffled while laughing.

"Crying is my specialty today, sorry." I smiled, bringing the cigarette up to my lips once again. It was almost gone.

Bill turned to me and gave me a side hug. "Thank you, Mae."

I returned the hug. "No need to."

Soon the rest scared the living shit out of us and we spent the rest of the night together.

" Soon the rest scared the living shit out of us and we spent the rest of the night together

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reunion!!!!! ps i love bill😞😞😞

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