𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝙄𝙓.

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Why is my phone ringing? Shoot me now

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Why is my phone ringing? Shoot me now.

"Hm?" I hummed as I grabbed my phone. "Mae! Wake up and go get ready. We'll be there in like... Bill how many minutes?"


"Five. So, get your ass out of bed, dude." said Tom from the other line. I furrowed my brows. Why are they coming over so early? And why do I need to get ready?

I wanted to sleep today. Ugh.

"What's going on?" I asked. My morning voice was fucking terrifying now that I think about it. Hell no.

"Bill- Bill the poor girl doesn't even know what's going on." said Tom to Bill. I sighed, closing my eyes. "I can like still hear you, Tom."


I heard some shuffling and fighting on the other line. I am so fucking tired for this. What are they doing over there?

"Mae." Bill's voice came through. "Bill."

"We're recording today. Go get ready, please."

"That's today?" I asked, my eyes widening as I realized. Today was in fact recording day and it completely slipped my mind. I fucking hate myself, oh my god.

I quickly got out of bed and ran over to my dresser. I pulled the drawer open and scanned through my clothes. What the fuck do I wear? I don't know what to wear for these things, shit.

"Yes, but calm down. Just wear something casual. Comfortable. We'll be there for a while probably." Bill said. It's like he's in my mind.

"Okay, thank you. See you soon!" I said as I hung up and threw my phone on the bed.

I don't think I have ever gone through my clothes as fast as I am currently. Something casual yet comfortable. I can do that.

I just grabbed some bootcut jeans with a random shirt and threw it on. Belt on, jewelry on. Good. Makeup. Ugh, makeup.

"Where did I leave my bag?" I said to myself as I looked around my room frantically. I wanted to cry at this point. Nothing was going the way I wanted, and I've been up for like, what? 5 minutes?

After a bit I finally realized I left my makeup bag in my school bag. I packed my school bag when I was going back home because it is the only bag I have. So, I use it for everything.

I ran over to my table, grabbing my mirror and turning on the lights. I quickly did my brows and brushed them up with my brow gel.

Quick lash curl and mascara and now eye pencil.

I was doing better than I thought. Thank God.

"Hey! You ready?" I heard Bill say as they came into my room. I didn't even look back just continued applying the pencil on my waterline. "Minute."

"What the fuck are you doing?" Tom asked, walking closer. "Eye pencil."

"How are you not blind?"

I laughed. "It's my waterline. And it doesn't hurt just tickles." I explained, blinking my tears away. My eyes are way too sensitive for this, but it's so worth it.

I look amazing and that's the only thing that actually matters.

"Bro, you're literally crying." Tom deadpanned. I put my stuff back in my bag and put it away. "It tickles and my eyes are sensitive." I explained.

Tom turned to his brother. "Do you do that shit too?"

"Of course. Otherwise, I look awful." Bill answered, before we left my room since I was finally ready. "You don't, Bill." I said, opening the pantry for a quick snack.

I need to eat something, or I'll be paranoid of throwing up the whole day. And I can't do that today. I need to be focused.

"Trust me I do."

"Dude, no you don't. You look fine." Tom said, patting his brother's shoulder. I opened the door, and we walked out, closing it after.

Our ride still wasn't here so we sat down on the sidewalk. I opened my chocolate protein bar and quickly started eating. It was so damn good.

"Mae, do you feel pretty without makeup?" asked Bill.

I looked at him and shrugged. "Sometimes, yeah."

He leaned his head on my shoulder. Bill let out a sigh. "I wanna sleep." Me and Tom quietly laughed. A smile also found its way on Bill's face.

I leaned my head on his and we just sat there. It was the perfect weather. It was a bit cold, but the morning sun was warming us up.

It was a bit annoying because I couldn't see anything since it was shining directly on us. But still nice, I guess.

"Oh wow." said Tom who sat next to us.

I put my head up and turned to him. "What?" I asked. "Y'all are leaving me out just like that." he said as he pretended to cry. Me and Bill laughed and brought him into the hug as well.

The boy immediately smiled.

Soon the car with Georg and Gustav arrived and we all hopped in and made our way to the studio. This is so exciting!


"From the chorus one more time."

The melody to the chorus of Durch den Monsun started playing for what felt like the millionth time already. We were recording that song first because it's what they want our debut to be.

Bill was currently in the booth recording his stuff since I was on a break. I recorded most of my parts, but we still needed a few more.

But I was getting tired, and they said my vocals needed some rest too. It was really fun though! We're finally getting somewhere and that has been our goal this whole time.

It was really nice seeing it all happen. Feeling lucky.

"That is exactly what you get for cheating in the previous round!" Gustav exclaimed as he laughed at Georg for picking a card that made him lose his house.

It burned down.

I laughed with the blonde, letting the dice roll out of my hands. "Oh, of course you get 6." Georg said, rolling his eyes. I simply shrugged and went ahead with my blue miniature.

Didn't laugh long though since I landed in jail.

"Fuck this." I said, grabbing my dice off the board. Georg started laughing immediately.

"So so deserved." he continued laughing.

"Did Mae finally lose?" asked Tom as he came over and sat down next to me. Once he saw I was in jail he joined Georg.

"Why are you always praying for my downfall?" I asked.

"I don't know. It's funny."

I rolled my eyes and went back to playing. After like 3 rounds I was finally out of jail.

Gustav won though which I was so happy about because that means that Georg didn't. So so deserved.

a/nthe career is starting woaaahh!!

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the career is starting woaaahh!!

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