𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝙓𝙄.

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"Mae. Mae, wake up."

I turned away, pulling my blanket over my head. "Leave me alone." I groaned.

Tom sighed. "Wake up I'm bored. Maee." he whined. It was unbearable. "Go to sleep." I said, cuddling more into my blanket.

My bed was extra comfortable right now and I am NOT passing up that opportunity.

It was like a cloud. Soft and cold. The air in my room was fresh and not suffocating. Why can't every morning be like this? It was so peaceful, if we ignore Tom of course.

I heard the door open, thinking Tom left. I sighed and tried to relax. "What the fuck!" I yelled as I felt someone jump on me. Mia's giggles filled the room as Tom died of laughter.

I take back my previous statement of wanting every morning to be like this. I'd rather be in my grave.

"Mia, mit csinálsz?" (Mia, what are you doing?)

"Jó reggelt!" she sang funnily. (Good morning!)

I closed my eyes as I took a deep breath. I cannot do this anymore. I grabbed Mia and took her off me, instantly cuddling her. She giggled as she tried to get out of my grip.

She gave up soon and just lied there. "This was your idea, wasn't it?" I said, looking at the boy. "I told you I was bored."

"I hate you."

"You wish."

I rolled my eyes and continued laying there, contemplating whether I should get up or stay in bed a little more.

I wanna go to the music store though. Gotta get up.

I let go of Mia and went to the bathroom to do my routine and wake myself up. "Come on." I said from the hallway, making my way downstairs.

The two followed me down and sat down at the table. I grabbed the toast from the cupboard and quickly popped 2 into the toaster. "What are you making?" asked Tom.

"Toast with Nutella and banana slices."

Mia gasped and her face lit up. I laughed at her reaction because I know it's her favorite. Also, she has been begging mom for it for months now, but she never made it so. Time to shine as the ideal big sister.

I quickly did all of the toasts, and we went outside into the garden to eat. We sat down on at the table we had on our terrace. We had couches too, but I didn't want to sit on those since they were just washed.

My mom came over and hugged us. "Good morning." she smiled.

"Good morning." we all said.

I quickly swallowed my food. "Anya?" (Mom?) I called out for her. "Igen?" (Yes?)

"El mehetek Tommal a városba kérlek? Egypár CD-t akarnák venni." I explained. (Can I go to the city with Tom please? I just wanna buy a few CDs.)

"Persze." she smiled at me. (Of course.)

"Thank you!" I yelled as I saw that she was inside now. I continued eating my toast when Tom asked, "Was that about the music store?" I nodded.

We finished our food and went to my room to get ready. "Could we stop at mine? I don't have clothes." he asked. I agreed and we left my house.

"You're taking the hangover well." he said. I haven't even thought about that today. I mean, I felt fine so there was no reason to. "I honestly forgot we even drank last night." I said, making Tom laugh.

"What are we gonna go with though? The store's in the town." asked Tom.

"The bus."

"Isn't that a bit dangerous?"

"I don't want any adult supervision cause now we can do whatever we want. But I mean, it's just 20 minutes we should be okay."


The two of us entered the house immediately being greeted by Simone. I literally love her, such a sweetheart, oh my God. After a quick chat with the mom, me and Tom made our way to his room.

This is actually my first time seeing more than just their basement. I was excited to see their room.

"Mae!" exclaimed Bill as he got up and hugged me. I laughed in his grip as I greeted him, "Hi!"

"What are you doing here?" he asked, pulling away to look at me. "Tom came to get some clothes. We're going to the music store." I smiled at the boy.

His face immediately lit up. "Can I come?"

I looked back at Tom who just simply nodded. Bill got all excited and quickly went to get ready making me and Tom laugh. The two left me alone in their room to go get ready.

So, I took my chance and decided to take a look around their room. It was full of posters and other stuff.

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