chapter 7

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*outfit she has on right now*

I wake up and I realize I'm in Alaric apartment on the floor I look up and I see Alaric say "Elena" and pass out, what! I look and katherine is next to me and rebekah and kol next to her at the kitchen. Wtf

Then I see. Klaus walks out from a box, and he smirks.

Well shit

Two days later, I'm on the couch. It's been super boring from what I found out is that stefan and damon died like what!!! Ya apparently them trying to save elena pissed them off, shoker. So as I'm waiting here with katherine, we hear the door open and all the originals pop in, including finn. But in old-time clothes.

I try not to panic with katherine as we're just sitting there on the couch you see katherine and me were compeled by Nik a few days ago but from what I realize I can't be compelled as a heretic, sweet right.

But I don't want them to know that

They thankfully ignore us and go their own ways but not without them staring at us. Sadly, more or so me. As i decide I've had enough of this, I just walk out and leave. Ya, I know what you're thinking, but Vicki, you're going to get chased by them. They'rere going to have questions. Well,  they can suck it, so with that out of my mind, I leave.

I need a new change of clothes.

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