~Special 14~

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Plot: Todoroki-chan is sleepy from a restless night and shows more emotions that the guys are shocked

Requested by: No one

-3rd POV-

(Y/n) entered Crewel's class, eye bags under her eyes, which her friends noted.

Ace tilted his head, "What happened to you? You look like you didn't get enough sleep." He said.

"That's because she didn't. She stayed up because of Grim. He ate something bad and she stayed up with him to look after him." Shoto answered for his sister.

Deuce nodded, "That's why Grim isn't here?"

The girl nodded, before sitting beside him and laying her head on his shoulder, which made him blush brightly, "I'm just gonna...rest my head..." She muttered, before she was soon out like a light.

Ace blinked, "And she's asleep. She's gonna get a detention if she don't wake up." He said.

The male twin shook his head, "I notified the teachers and they all said she was excused. But she insisted to come."

The ADeuce duo deadpanned, before seeing their teacher enter.


Soon, lunch came and the girl barely made an effort to get lunch. She only got a juice and a granola bar.

Her brother noted it and grabbed another bowl of soba, "You should really eat. If you're not going back to the dorm to rest, then eat so you at least have something in your stomach." He said, setting the bowl in front of her.

The girl pouted, "I don't wanna..."

The others were shocked by the revelation. They never seen the girl express this much emotion.

Shoto sighed, grabbing a bit of her soba with chopsticks and lifting them up to her, "Eat."

She hugged Jack's arm, which made him blush and his tail to wag, "I'm not hungry..." She said, hiding her face.


"Hai!" The green haired male said, grabbing the girl's head and moving it.

"Is this a normal occurrence in your world?" Ortho questioned.

"I wouldn't say normal, but it does happen a few times." Midoriya said, as they all watch the male twin feed his sister like she was still a baby, "Plus, she gets more...childish? Which is honestly very interesting."

Deuce chuckled, "It's very interesting to see." He said as Ace nodded with a grin.

Jack was still blushing, "Uhm...can you make her let go?"

Shoto shook her head, "Sorry. Once she hugs, she never let's go until she moves onto next person, or we bribe her with something."

"Then bribe her with something!"

"She hasn't said what she wanted. Once she stated it, we bribe it to her." He said, looking at his sister, who ended up falling asleep, cuddling to the wolf male's arm.

Safe to say, they were shocked by the events of the girl showing more emotion when she's sleepy.

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