~Special 16~

673 25 4

Plot: Tea with Riddle pt.2

Requested by: Celestina_Mikhaell18

-3rd POV-

Today was the day. Today was the day Riddle would confess his feelings to (Y/n).

Riddle started off with daily morning routine and since it was a weekend, he got to be at his dorm with his dorm uniform on, so he would look nice in front of his special guest.

He had invited the girl he grown to love over to tea the week before, and now the time has come that she would come by to hang out with the flamingos, hedgehogs and to study.

The red haired male sighed as he looked in the mirror, fixing anything out of the ordinary, "Today is the day...Hopefully there won't be any interruptions." He muttered, as he knew most of his dorm was out with friends, just in their rooms or at the school studying.

He looked at the time, which made his eyes widen, "Ah, almost time. I should greet her at the mirror." He said, walking off, not before looking at his room to make sure everything was organized.


As he walked towards the mirror, he saw it ripple and glow, before the familiar girl appeared.

(Y/n) softly smiled, which made him blush, "Hello, Riddle-senpai." She said.

The said male smiled and nodded, "Hello, (Y/n). I hope your evening here is enjoyable."


As time went on, the two would study on anything the girl was having trouble in, before the male decided to have a break.

"How about we go and see the hedgehogs and flamingos?" He suggested and smiled when he saw her eyes sparkle.

"Can we?" She asked, even though she knew he would just agree.


(Y/n) gently held a hedgehog, who was snuggled up in her hand and letting out gentle squeaks, which made her smile.

Riddle had a gentle smile on his face as he watched her, before smiling, "Would you like to help me feed them?"

Her eyes sparkled as she nodded, which made him chuckle.

He walked off to get their food, before coming back.

She was about to set down the one in her hands but they squeaked in protest, "But aren't you hungry?" She softly questioned.

Riddle chuckled, "You can hold him as I feed him." He said, which made her nod. He grabbed some of the food and put his hand near the small animal, which they happily ate.


As it was nearing to the end, the red haired male was basically hyping himself up to confess to her.

He let out a soft breath, before looking at her, "(Y/n)?"

The said girl turned to him, "Yes, senpai?"

He blushes softly and turned his head, "I just wanted to say a few words to you."

"Oh, what is it?"

He looked at her, "These past few months, you've showed me what it means to be a greater person rather than a tyrant, and I appreciate it. You've helped me to come out of my shell more. I'm glad to be friends with you." He blushed, "What I'm trying to say is, will you do—" he was cut off by a voice.

"(N/n)?" The familiar voice of Shoto called out.

(Y/n) blinked and turned her head, "Sho-nii, what are you doing here?"

"Grim won't stop asking when you're coming back." He said.

"Ah, alright." She turned to the red haired male, "What were you going to say, senpai?"

Riddle shook his head, "N-Nothing...Don't worry about it." He muttered.

She blinked and pat his shoulder, "Well, I'm glad to be your friend too, senpai. Thank you for today, I'll see you next time." She softly smiled, before walking off with her twin brother.

He stood there in silence, sad he didn't get to confess his feelings to her. He then silently walked back to his dorm and to his room. The students that were around, noticed his depressive aura and stood clear of him, not knowing what he might do.

Guess, Shoto really has brotherly instincts.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: May 03 ⏰

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