Okay! We need to talk

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From me to me I think that we really need to talk.
Okay, so!
I'm still in love with him, like for real !
The thing is that I thought that I was over him but seems like no. And I hate this, I hate the fact that I still have feelings for him. Why after everything that happened I still love him?
Gosh! I'd like so bad to be over this, no I gotta be honest with myself at least, so yeah I'd like so bad that we get back together and work things out...it's really is painful for me to know that we ain't together anymore! It sucks!
Wherever I got whatever I do there is always that one thing that will reminds me of him  and I feel sad!

I juste want to forget him and everything I want him to free my mind, I don't like the fact of thinking about him all day long and all night too . It's like I miss his presence, his touch, his humor, the sound of his voice... I miss US!

It's as if somehow he invaded my mind, my thoughts and my body too in some way, I know it's not good at all but it's stronger than me really. My heart hurts to think that there is no more of us.

All day I hope to at least receive a message from him telling me that he regrets the way things ended between us and that he would like us to get back together and give each other a second chance and that he misses me...

In the fantasies of my imagination we already got back together lol. My heart hurts, my soul hurts and I don't know why. Is it love I feel or just temporary post-breakup blues?

For my part, I regret absolutely nothing about everything that happened between us because for me I experienced this relationship to the fullest in the moment and I really loved/savored every moment spent by his side.

The reality is that I experienced this relationship a little too thoroughly because I could imagine us married, on a honeymoon, at home, traveling and starting a family.

I was really delusional...no I was in love and it was easy for me to project myself with him/by his side because I felt good by his side, I felt loved, listened to and soothed, protected and alive.

It's as if he brought a little stability into my life. I don't know if I should talk about emotional stability or something like that.

One thing is sure, I felt like I was living and reviving next to him... the good life lol!

I just want one thing right now, and that is to forget him forever. Even if a part of me doesn't want it. I know it's the best thing to do, to forget him forever, to tell him good bye forever, to all  our  memories to us and to all the very colorful ideas that I have had of us.

Thank you next bitch !

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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