Date night pt.1

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Hi everyone, it's been a while, but I am back. The song in the media bar does not go with this chapter I just would like if you would listen to it . It's really good thank you and enjoy the chapter.

~cassie pov~

Me and jason stayed up all night the other day talking again and we had decided on a date night which is friday as in today at 6:00 so right now i am getting ready and Trisha is helping me get ready, I don't even know where we are going but Trisha does as in her own words ' I got the perfect outfit for where he is taking you, you will have fun' so here I am getting dressed with trish, because she also has a date,Carl is taking her somewhere and she doesn't know where. We only have two hours left to get ready. "Cas go shower so I can do your hair" Trish tells me while pushing me into the bathroom. 'This girl is sooo crazy' I think while laughing as she pushes me. As I'm in the shower I think about how I should be nervous about this date with jason but I'm not. I'm more cautious about it. I am still processing what they told me. The thing about us being mates is scary because what if I was not his mate would he have dated me to or not." Cassie get out we don't have all day" Trish comes in the bathroom and tells me. I Wash off and ask her to pass me my dry towel.

"Ok time to get ready" I say as I walk out of the shower and trisha walks in.

«««««««««««« one and a half hour later »»»»»»»»»»»»

"Are you nervous, about tonight" Trish asks as we walk down the stairs to the living Room to wait. Just as I was about to answer her the door bell rings, when we open the door Carl and jason were standing their with their mouths open like they were speech less. Which was funny.

~ Carl's pov~ *surprise*

Wow, just wow is all I can say when they came to open the door,it felt like I just like stopped breathing which could kill me, but T never looked gorgeous-er if that even is a word. Cassie was beautiful as well, Jason was lucky to have her, just as i am to have Trisha. I have become to know Jason since he let me join his pack and he is a good guy around friends but when be is not he is emotionless, but hopefully cassie can brings him out.
"" Cassie voice cut me out of my shock and thinking state. I look at jason and he is still shocked. I nudged him with my elbow and he snapped out of it. He smiles and the hands cassie her flower and I hand T here's that I had got her and they smile at us. Jason asks them are they ready to go,
" um.. yeah just let me get me purse, put these in water and lock up" cassie says as she goes back in. Let's hope for a great night. I think before we get into are separate cars. Cassie and Trish hug and wish each or her a good and fun night before they get in the cars. If only they knew.

~ Jason pov~

When I first saw cas in that dress I was for once in my life speechless. She looked beyond beautiful.I guess I was in the daze for awhile because I felt carl nudge me. I smile and hand Cassie the flowers that I bought her. She takes them just as Trish takes her. We leave after cassie put the flowers in water and they say good bye. Which makes me laugh, the things they don't know.

As we driving to where I am taking her we have small conversations and the music is playing low. "Can i turn this up I love this song" cassie says as one in a million by tink comes on. Funny thing is i like this song to, but will not admit it.
" Yeah" she just sits their like she is waiting for something, I look at her from the corner of my eye and see her blushing, so cute but why

" you can turn it up, you know" "yeah, its just that um...I don' how" she says quietly. Ok " k, do you see two big knobs" I ask her "yeah" "k ,the one on the right is the volume just turn it to you to turn it up" she does not answer because next thing the music is really loud, and my sensitive hearing does not help and I feel like i am death so I quickly turn it down some. She looks at me like I was crazy from the corner of her eyes. I don't say any thing, and starts to sing the song, she is good she can't rap to. When the song comes of i turn the music back down and she just looks out the window."

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