Chapter 14 - Thank you

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I knew Jackson was an asshole but I didn't think he had that vision of me. It just hurts, and I don't know why. Why is it I don't fucking know why. Fuck-

Sunday, 2nd day of competition, 5:30 pm


"Where did you put my bag Torres" Jackson asked frantically looking around the bleachers pinching his nose.

"Slow down, you're bleeding" Charlotte crossed her arms and stood still looking at him.

"Yeah no shit Sherlock, my bag. Where is my bag?" He stopped moving and just stared at her as his judogi soaked more of the blood that was coming out of his nose.

"You should go see the medi..." The curly haired girl was interrupted by Jackson.

"I have a maximum of 30 minutes before my final. Now where is my bag?"

"Ralph left the bags in the changing room. Now don't be stubborn. You should really go see the medics"

It was no use, once she said 'changing room' Jackson was already walking toward there, her following him.

"Stop following me, I'm fine" the boy said as he walked to the changing rooms not without difficulty, It seemed like he couldn't walk in a straight line.

"You look like you bathed in a pool of blood, don't tell me you're fine" Charlotte followed him, picking up the pace to catch up to him.

"A little blood won't kill anyone Torres. What do you care anyway" He spoke as he swung the changing room's door open.

"I'm supposed to make sure you get all the necessary medical attention before you get on that mat. Obviously you're not fine" She said looking around to make sure nobody else was in the room.

"I'm not fine because you're not leaving me the fuck alone" He coughed, groaned and grabbed his side, leaning back against the wall.

"I'd gladly leave you alone to pass out here but your coach would kill me" Charlotte took a considerable amount of paper and handed it to him.

"I won't pass out" Jackson said putting the paper over his nose and applying pressure to try to get the bleeding under control.

"You're as pale as a ghost and struggled to walk three meters without holding onto something but sure you won't" She crossed her arms and handed him more paper.

"Don't give me attitude Torres" He spoke throwing the now bloody paper in the trash can beside him before untying his belt and throwing it on the floor

"You're the one with an attitude Power. You should be focusing on stopping your nosebleed instead of on arguing with me" She shoved the paper into his chest so he'd take it

"If you left I wouldn't have to argue with you, now would I?" He took the paper and applied pressure but his nose didn't seem to want to stop bleeding.

"If you just shut your mouth we wouldn't have anything to argue about, now would we?" Charlotte spoke taking some more toilet paper and applying pressure herself on his nose as he lowered his hand.

"Goddammit be careful" Jackson flinched.

"I'm trying. If you just leaned down and stopped moving it would be much easier" Jackson did as he was told when she spoke.

"Well it's not my fault you're short and insistent on helping me when I specifically asked you to leave" Jackson said slowly sliding his back down the wall until he was sat on the floor.

"I'm above average thank you very much" Charlotte crouched down as he sat to be at his level. "And I don't see you actively refusing my help so stop complaining"

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