Is There A Spell In Harry Potter That Can Determine The Name Of This Chapter ?

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Is there a spell in Harry Potter that can determine the name of this chapter ? If there is one, I need it. Because all I'm gonna do is blabber about my weird, sorta philosophical ( It's philosophical for me. I'm like 13.5, so bare with me ) thoughts because that's what's going on in my head at 3 : 50 a.m.

Anyhoo, tonight, or this morning, if you will, we're going to have a chat about copies.

We see those everywhere, don't we ? Prints, photos. and whatnot. Ya know, where I live, we are raised to have very high morals, and strong principles. Don't ask why ? It's just the way it is.

Okay, back on track. So, cheating was out of the question. So was not scoring well in exams, but who cares about that little part, right ?


I have this distinct memory, that I would love to share ( I'm being sarcastic, for those who haven't figured out yet ).

I think I was in grade 3, or something. Pretty young, but according to me, I was fighting a bloody war to get through. Now, I'm not that bad at academics, but like most 8 year olds, exams terrified me back then. Now they're just annoying. Like, who conducts an exam every bloody week ?!

Anyways, so there was this certain exam, and I answered the questions, but couldn't place the answer to one of those bastards. So, I panicked.

Then the light bulb in my brain lit. I went under the bench that I was sitting on and tapped the feet of the girl next to me. She looked at me like I was an alien. I'm not kidding. I pointed towards the question, and she being incredibly oblivious, thought I was stuck under the chair. Like how did she even think that ?! So she tried to pull me up.

This is when the teacher decided to show up. No one got into trouble. Thank God.

Later on, I just tried a little harder to place the answer and ended up writing something down.

After that idiotic event, I didn't even think of cheating, because believe me that bench was bloody congested.


Why did I tell you that ? No idea. But... in my defence, this book is called " Confessions Of A Three And A Half Year Old. "

Okay, back to the subject of discussion.

When you enter your teen years, you feel like the weirdest person in the room. I swear, that feeling is real.

Some people question their looks. Some question their brains. Some question their way of speaking, walking, talking whatnot. To all of you people..... I had a thought. Yes, in the middle of the night and yes, I'll probably forget it in the morning but that's not important.

What's important is that.... it's just bloody hormones. You are the best person to walk the earth. If you feel like the earth should just swallow you up, tell yourself.... " I rule the earth. It does not have any right to swallow me. " Because, no matter how shitty life is, You have to keep going. So, might as well act like you're ON TOP OF THE WORLD. Vartika, I put in that Imagine Dragons reference for you. Thank me later.

Also, we've all tried to copy people. I swear, I've spent weeks wishing I looked like Elizabeth bloody Olsen or Michelle Thaller. But we're all unique and beautiful in our own way.

So stop being a copy of a copy of a copy. Write your own story and then see how things happen. You'll feel like you're high, in a god way. I don't support stuff like that. Drugs are bad. Period.


'Ello people. How was it tonight, or this morning, for that matter.

So sorry for not updating. I was just not.... feeling creative ? Anyhoo, I'm back so treat yourself to some ranting about being original and an embarrassing story that I never thought would make it to the internet.

Also, did anyone find that spell ?

Vartika, your wish has been granted. I updated. Happy now ?

Forgive me if there were any grammatical errors or if I made you lose your mind. I really can't help it.

Okay byeeeeee :)


If you want, go ahead and listen to ON Top Of The World. It's bloody amazing, as it makes me want to dance and I NEVER DANCE. I'm shit at it.

Confessions Of A Thirteen And A Half Year OldWhere stories live. Discover now