I'm Gonna Do It Anyways

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Well, at least I'm not asking for chapter suggestions anymore. Don't know what " I'm Gonna Do It Anyways " is talking about, but still, something is better than nothing. I'd like to call that improvement. What do you lot think ? Tonight, or this morning, if you will, we're going to talk about something personal. More like, things getting personal.

There are times when things get personal. Trust me, there are.

There are times when you really feel like punching a hole through someone's face even though they think they're saying something so funny that they're gonna end up beating Shoot From The Hip. Yes, I firmly believe that no one can be funnier than them. Then again, it's my opinion.

Anyways, back to the point. There's this thing about us teenagers, we are incredibly easy to provoke. Like, you do one irritable deed and we'll pounce on you faster then Scar will on whoever the heck was Simba's father. I'm bad with protagonist names ( the villains are more interesting anyways ). Sorry.


This time, I'd like to withhold any embarrassing memories. Doesn't mean I can embarrass someone else.....

So, this one time. We were in school. Eating lunch, having a laugh. Ya know, normal stuff.

That's when this girl walks up to us and asks if we're gonna participate in the debate competition. She may have insulted us a little bit too much.

We're incredibly civilised creatures, hence, no fist fights. Sorry folks, no drama tonight. But.... but, Vartika may have slurred a but of vulgar comments and made a pretty brave announcement in the girl's face. Brave, dude.


But that's what my point is. We are provocative. And it's normal. But for the love of everything you hold dear, don't take things too far. Don't react. Act. Breathe in and rest back. Just glide through. And don't even think about something that'll land you in serious trouble.

Also, piece of advice, please make friends. Don't try to be lonely. People who think that kids with no friends are cooler or smarter, they don't know shit. Don't believe a word of it. I'm not saying being an introvert is bad, heck even I'm one. ( or am I.... ). Anyways, having a nice bunch of people to share things with is good. It's healthy. Look at Vartika, for example. Even after all our banter, she is possibly one of my favourite people. You too SSS.


'Ello folks. Did you like today's blabbering ? Good ? Bad ? Horrifying ? Tell me. Because as far as I know, that comment box is not for you to admire.

Hey Vartika. Hey SSS. Doing well ? Did you like my little tribute ? I meant that, just so you know.

Forgive me if I made any grammatical errors or if I traumatized you. It's a tad bit habitual.

Okay byeeeeeeeee :)


Today's recommendation is dedicated to those nice, sometimes annoying as hell bunch of people. You all truly are treasures.

The songs is...... drum rolls please

Cool Kids by Echosmith. It's a nice one, believe me.

Confessions Of A Thirteen And A Half Year Oldحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن