10. Tara

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The cold air bit at my skin as I climbed the stairs, resembling the unease coiling in my stomach. What had I been thinking with Dhruv? Every step felt like a mistake. Was he just toying with me as a distraction?

He doesn't seem like someone who would do that.

I reached my apartment door. I closed the door and sat against it. All the possible explanations for what happened. None of that makes sense.

Dhruv likes me? No, he can't. He physically can't like me. If he had liked me, then why take this long? Or why now?

Was it a mistake? Could be.

My head is a mess.

Just as I was drowning in a sea of doubt and confusion, the doorbell rang through the silence.

Who could possibly be at my door?

Peering through the peephole, I saw Dhruv standing on the other side. What on earth was he doing here?

His voice filtered through the door, soft yet urgent. "Tara, please, just hear me out."

Hear him out?

Against my better judgement, I cracked the door open just a fraction, and my eyes narrowed with suspicion.

"Tara, I need to talk to you," he began, his voice tinged with a hint of desperation. "Can I come in?"

I hesitated, my hand lingering on the doorknob. Was this really happening? Was Dhruv Singhania, of all people, standing at my door, confessing his feelings?

Ok, he might not be, so let's not go there.

I gave in and opened the door a little wider.

I just stood beside my door when he walked in, and he didn't turn to look at me yet. I could see that he was nervous. He dragged his hands across his face.

"Tara, I-I," he let out a frustrated sigh.

I watched him closely, my own nerves on edge.

"Look, I know what I did was wrong. I shouldn't have done that. I am sorry." He said, turning around.

I could only nod. I was nodding continuously. I should have known. Dhruv would never like someone like me. It hurt. I definitely thought I had a chance. I couldn't be more stupid.

"Get out," I whispered.

He stopped, not expecting me to quite say that.


I know I look pathetic right now, but I don't think I can control my emotions.

"Look, Tara. Listen to me once; I'm sorry!" He looks helpless at my request.

"Please leave me alone. I forgive you, but please understand." I begged. I can't control it anymore.

He ran his fingers through his hair, frustrated, and left.

I was so quick to shut the door and lean against the door. My heart was beating a thousand times a second. I could hear it in my ears.

Should I cry? I'm too embarrassed to even cry. I don't understand the emotions that I am going through right now.
The realisation hit hard, and I am truly embarrassed about how I acted. He must be thinking how crazy I am. The way I kicked him out of my house. It was his first time here at my home as well.

He sure would have realised I'm not worth it.

Have I screwed myself over? I suppose so.

I open the door to see if I have a second chance. A little part of me sure was hoping he'd stay.

No, he didn't stay.

Why would he anyway?

I want to run after him, but I should know better than that. Dhruv is a perfectionist by nature. Anyone would understand that just by looking at his work. He is perfect and keeps only people who are perfect around him.

I'm too broken and too helpless for him.

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