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"Yeah, something tells me we might regret this in the morning."- requested.

The soft glow of the bar lights danced around us, casting a warm aura over our little gathering. It was Friday night, and after a long day at the hotel, my coworkers and I were unwinding with a few drinks. The clinking of glasses and the murmur of conversation filled the air as we settled into our usual spot.

"So, girl, spill the tea," Emily said, leaning in with a mischievous grin. "You've been here for weeks now, and we still don't know if you've got a special someone waiting for you back home."

I chuckled, swirling the ice cubes in my glass. "Nope, no one waiting for me anywhere. I'm as single as they come."

"Really? In Monaco? Girl, you're practically surrounded by eligible bachelors!" Sarah exclaimed, her eyes widening in disbelief.

I shrugged, taking a sip of my cocktail. "I've just been focused on settling into my new job, you know? Dating hasn't really been a priority."

Emily raised an eyebrow. "Well, maybe it's time to change that. Have you heard of Raya?"

I furrowed my brow, shaking my head. "Raya? What's that?"

"It's like, the dating app for the elite," Sarah explained eagerly. "All the rich and famous people use it here in Monaco. You'd fit right in!"

I hesitated, a wave of uncertainty washing over me. "I don't know... I'm not really into the whole online dating thing. Plus, wouldn't it make me look like I'm just after money or something?"

Emily waved off my concerns with a dismissive flick of her hand. "Nah, not if you're genuine about it. Besides, you never know who you might meet. It could be fun!"

With a mixture of reluctance and curiosity, I found myself relenting. "Okay, fine. But you two have to help me set up my profile."

The girls squealed with excitement, already brainstorming ideas for my bio and selecting the best photos to showcase. As they huddled around my phone, their laughter filled the air, and I couldn't help but smile at their infectious enthusiasm.

After what felt like hours of deliberation and debate, my Raya profile was finally complete. I glanced down at the screen, feeling a flutter of nerves in my stomach. It was strange, putting myself out there like this, but there was also a sense of excitement bubbling beneath the surface.

"Alright, it's live!" Sarah declared triumphantly, raising her glass in a toast. "To new beginnings and hot dates!"

We clinked our glasses together, the sound ringing out like a promise of adventures yet to come.

The next day, sunlight filtered through the windows of my cozy apartment as I sat at the kitchen table, sipping on a steaming cup of coffee. With a sense of both anticipation and trepidation, I opened the Raya app on my phone, half-expecting to find nothing but a string of disappointing matches.

As I scrolled through the profiles, my initial fears seemed to be confirmed. Most of the men seemed more interested in flaunting their wealth and status than in genuine connections. Finance bros and business moguls filled the screen, their profiles littered with flashy cars and exotic vacations.

But then, just as I was about to give up hope, a new notification popped up at the top of the screen. Max. I felt a spark of excitement shoot through me as I tapped on his profile, my heart skipping a beat at the sight of his charming smile and rugged good looks.

He was an F1 driver, his profile boasting photos of him speeding around race tracks and celebrating victories with champagne showers. But there was something about his eyes, something warm and inviting, that drew me in.

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