20 | Uranus AU - "Cassandra"

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A/N: Hey! This one is a little rough, guys. Hopefully this isn't too confusing. I used references to mythology and Shakespeare, where the names of Uranus's moons came from. If you get all of the references, you are AMAZING.

- This is in Uranus' POV. Takes place during the Planet X arc.

- Uranus has a good relationship with his moons after the Moon Revolution, especially Miranda, Ariel and Titania (NOT SHIPPING THEM WITH URANUS, OF COURSE.) Ariel and Miranda have a younger sister-older brother relationship with him, and Titania and Uranus are kinda like co-workers.

- Umbriel can talk, but only for serious, major premonitions of the future. She can see it, but she can't do anything about it. She goes livid when she has these premonitions, luckily she's never had one in billions of years.

- By the way, yes, they're humanoids. They can eat stuff.



"Have I missed the mark, or, like true archer, do I strike my quarry? Or am I prophet of lies, a babbler from door to door?" (Cassandra. Aeschylus, Agamemnon 1194).

The soft, almost humid air betrayed a bite of winter cold, as the smaller moons sang their dying cheerful songs in milky amber light. Uneasy whispers pricked at Uranus that he couldn't quite make out. He couldn't stop swallowing down the growing sharp metalalic tang at the back of his throat.

"What are you doing?" Miranda asked, the moon's voice muffled by the snacks she nicked from the Kuiper Belt earlier. Swallowing down, she looked at the asteroid-burger she was sharing with him and nudged it. She looked slightly concerned. "It doesn't taste bad."

"No, it's not that," Uranus replied quickly, sounding a little frustrated. "It's weird, I just- I just can't get the taste of blood out of my mouth."

Miranda blinked. "I mean... we're eating flavored rocks," she pointed out. She smiled at her own comment, but then she looked down at the pitiful asteroid-burger and slid it away from her.

Uranus let out a dry and lifeless laugh, but then he paused and looked down at the sharp end of the asteroid. A vivid memory flickered at the edges of his worn-down mind. It's probably nothing. "Do you... normally taste blood when you eat?" he asked quietly, in barely more than a whisper.

"Um, I dunno. We don't really have to eat, it's just a comfortable habit." Miranda tilted her head questioningly. "Why?" Uranus' hand traveled to the faint scar on his throat for a second before sighing.

"No, it's probably nothing." Uranus spoke, and pulled his hand away, but his smile didn't reach his eyes. "Sorry. Do you want the rest?" Miranda thought for a moment, before shaking her head and sat next to Uranus.

"Nuh-uh, let's save it for Titania." Miranda yawned. "With how long she's been gone, she's probably tired of making sure the other moons are intact. I wanna surprise her." The thought of her over dramatic sigh when she slunk back into her orbit made him forget about his worries. His good mood only grew when she rested her head against his shoulder.

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