Chapter Forty-Nine

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Chapter Forty-Nine | And Did

Date 📆 August 2024

Joe had heard through the grapevine that his soon-to-be ex-wife Fahayra had gotten into a physical altercation with another woman named Jennifer while on her boat the previous day.

Though their marriage was ending and the divorce paperwork was already in motion, Joe still felt a sense of care and protectiveness over Fahayra.

After all, she had been his wife for over a decade and the mother of his children. Concerned for her well-being, Joe decided to stop by Fahayra's new house, where she had moved to after they split, to check in on her.

When Fahayra answered the door, confusion was etched across her face, wondering why her estranged husband had suddenly shown up. Joe explained plainly that he had heard about the fight and wanted to make sure Fahayra was alright.

Though initially resistant, Fahayra eventually lets Joe inside the unfamiliar house. Joe took in the new environment, nodding in approval at the cozy home Fahayra had created for herself post-separation.

Fahayra thanked Joe for the compliment but reiterated that she was fine and did not need him checking up on her anymore, insisting that their impending divorce meant he no longer needed to play the role of protective husband.

But Joe was stubborn, countering that divorce or not, he would always feel the need to make sure Fahayra was safe and sound.

Fahayra could only scoff at Joe's persistence, reminding him yet again that their marriage was over, the divorce marching steadily closer.

Though they were splitting up, Joe's visit showed his lingering care for his soon-to-be ex-wife.

After Joe left Fahayra's house, Fahayra received an urgent call from her lawyer insisting that she meet him at his office immediately.

With a sense of dread, Fahayra rushed over, only to find Joe and his lawyer already waiting in the tense and somber atmosphere of her lawyer's office.

She could tell from the strained expressions and terse greetings that this was not going to be a pleasant meeting.

As the lawyers began discussing assets and custody arrangements, Fahayra stared bitterly at Joe, resenting him for turning what should have been an amicable separation into an agonizingly prolonged fight.

The mediation meetings dragged on for weeks, as Joe refused to compromise or be reasonable, contesting Fahayra at every turn no matter how trivial.

Exhausted and demoralized after yet another fruitless session, Fahayra wondered how much more of this she could endure.

Divorce was never meant to be easy, but Joe's stubborn obstructionism was making the process a grueling nightmare.

As Fahayra left her lawyer's office that day, she steeled herself for more lengthy battles ahead, resigning herself to the sad fact that when a spouse was determined to be difficult, even the strongest person could be worn down by a contentious divorce.

As Fahayra was about to get in her car, she heard someone call out her name.

"Fahayra Mattio," the unfamiliar voice said.

Fahayra looked over her shoulder, her brows furrowing in confusion, to see a woman she did not recognize walking towards her.

"Whose asking?" Fahayra responded cautiously, her grip tightening on her purse.

The mysterious woman simply extended an envelope in her direction without a word. "You've been served," she stated matter-of-factly before swiftly walking away, leaving Fahayra stunned.

Just then, Joe happened to be passing through the parking lot and noticed the odd interaction.

Concerned, he approached Fahayra and inquired what had just transpired.

Hands shaking slightly, Fahayra tore open the envelope as dread washed over her.

She rolled her eyes in exasperation as she skimmed over the contents. "It's Jennifer. She's suing me for assault over that fight we got into last month," Fahayra explained irritably to Joe.

Joe could only shake his head in disbelief. The boat brawl that landed Jennifer in the hospital was supposed to be water under the bridge.

But now, it seemed Jennifer was back for revenge against Fahayra by serving her with a lawsuit. This unexpected development filled Fahayra with anger and anxiety, casting a dark cloud over what was already a rough day for Fahayra.

"Well, it's time you learn to stop putting your hands on people," Joe said.

Fahayra gave him a look. Joe took a step back from Fahayra, knowing she would swing at him. "Fuck you!" Fahayra said.

Joe put his hands in his pockets and walked away.

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