to kill a mocking girl part 3

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Lilith was shown wearing black ripped shorts with knee high boots with a purple and black tank with her black jeans jacket as her hair was pulled up into a high ponytail as she stands in front of the girls were they had went early yesterday before school.

Emily wore a pink long sleeve shirt with jeans and tennis shoes with her hair down holding a bag.

Hannah wore a white loose to shirt with jeans and tennis shoes with her hair pulled up also holding a bag

Spencer wore a black top with jeans and boots holding a bag to.

Aria wore a grey hat with a white and black top and jean shorts with and boots also holding a bag each bag holding stuff for a memorial for Alison 

"Ok so let me get this straight on what happened yesterday aria tried to flirt with Erza our teacher"Lilith says first as aria sheesply smiles.

"Then Spencer met with wren which Melissa found out and acted her usual bitch self to where you copied a paper of hers but put your name on it"she says as Spencer sighs nodding her head as they all know they are in for it.

"Then Toby saving Emily from her ex in the locker room after trying to force his way with Emily I am going to torture very painful when I see him at school "she says deadly calm as the girls share knowing looks she then turns to Hannah.

"Then at the party which I did not attend to Sean was being a dick so you wrecked is car "she finished as they all nodded there heads as she had summed up everything to a t.

Lilith sighs pinching her nose as she calls her nerves before taking a deep breath "ok I'm not going to full on lecture any of you but I will give you advice first aria if you really love Erza then I say go for it but both of y'all need to be careful and you tell that Meredith check she better watch her back, Spencer don't let wren and Melissa tear you down rise up above them and show them you are strong, Emily break up with your asshole of boyfriend after that thank toby and then find a new boyfriend and Hannah don't let a jerk like Shawn break you honey you are so much more better then he is"Lilith says with a soft smile as Hannah sniffles hugging her before the girls all smile and join the group hug before they pull away.

"There's something I need to tell you about that night with the firework and barn"Lilith says with a sighs as it was time for them to know.

"While Alison took the wrong approach afterwards I saw something happening in that barn that reminded me of all the pain my father put me through what he was going to put my little sister through that's why I hate Jenna so much cause she was doing exactly what he would do I could see the tears in his eyes so I had to stop it I threw that firework in there to stop it I didn't mean for anyone that get hurt"she says with a sigh as she paced.

"That's why you show extreme hatred towards Jenna and it explains why Alison didn't want anyone to know "aria says in realization as Lilith nods her head as they all share looks before hearing something as they look around before setting the bags down as theu chase after the noise before running around a tree as they stopped before looking around breathing heavily before Hannah looks down as her eyes widen.

"Look"she says gaining there attention as they all look down seeing a bracelet as Lilith bends down as her eyes widen on whose it is as she picks it up before standing back up.

"It's Alison"Lilith says showing them as they all share shocked looks before looking around again as Lilith holds Alisons bracelet as it was shown purple with Alisons name on it before everything fades black

Elsewhere in a room a phone was hooked up to a printing machine 'just like heaven' plays as a black glove hand a button that said black as a whirring is hard before copies were being printed as the gloved hand picks it up showing Emily and Maya kissing as it was pressed to a walk showing more copy's all different sizes showing millions of copies pinned to the wall as everything finally went black.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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