Chapter 25: Turn of Events

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Sheena's POV

"Sheena, we need to talk." 

A deep voice cuts through the haze of my thoughts.

"Sheena?" I freeze, the half-empty glass glued to my hand. Slowly, I turn my head towards the source of the voice. "There you are. Looking like a drowned kitten, mascara smudged, hair a mess."

My older brother is here. Perfect hair, perfect performance in the hospital, the golden child. Why did he have to show up now?

"K-kuya? Hey... what a surprise." I said, stuttering. My friends are just watching while my brother and I exchanged looks.

A sardonic smile started to play on his lips. "Surprise, huh? More like disappointment. You know what time it is? Do you have any idea what state you're in?"

I shook my head. No, you don't get to tell me things. This is my life. "I... I can handle myself."

"Really? Because from where I'm standing, you look like you can barely stand." His voice is laced with concern, but the underlying anger is clear. My cheeks burn with shame.

"And what about school, Sheena? Remember those finals you keep mentioning? The ones you're apparently failing?" he continued. 

"I... I was just taking a break." I looked away, not wanting to stare him more. He looked like mom, but more scary.

"A break that involves tequila shots at a bar? You think this is some kind of game?"  Tears prick my eyes. He's right, of course. But the pressure and my break up with Gweneth, the constant feeling of failing, it's suffocating.

"I don't know what you want me to say, kuya!" I shouted. I am starting to be frustrated again.

"I want you to get your act together, Sheena! This isn't who you are." Maybe he's right. Maybe this isn't me. But right now, it feels like the only way to escape the mess I've made.

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