Chapter 6

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Opening my eyes I was looking at the bluest sky I had ever seen. The clouds were unrealistically fluffy and its was very calm and serene. Where the fuck am I? Sitting up, I' took in my surroundings to try and figure out my next move.

I could hear the faint spud of a child like giggle in the distance. With nothing else in the distance I stood up and followed the sound.

The direction of the laughter lead me to a  a house in the middle of a field. Odd? Looking around I didn't see any other homes it was just the one. I couldn't help but feel a familiar pull as I approached.

There is a wooden fence surrounding the place and I spotted something that made me smile

The initials N.G and J.M were carved in the fence with tally marks underneath the initials. Rubbing the letters I couldn't help, but shake my head in joy. My cousin and I were super competitive,  he always at the upper hand when it came to brawns and I had more of an advantage in the  brain department. We always tied.

"Alright mija, show me what you can do?" Hearing a deep and melodic voice brought tears to my, eyes and quicken my pace to get to it.

Peeking through a hole in the fence I could see a smaller version of myself fall on my ass, as my cousin knocked me to the ground. Getting up, she kicked the ground and folded her arms in stubbornness.

"I can't do it. He's bigger than me, it's not fair, and he's a boy. I don't see why I have to do this."

My uncle chuckled and kneeled down in front of me. "Life is not fair, mija, life will give you disadvantages. Like his size," he pointed out. "But its up to you to find the advantages in your favor. What do you see when you look at him, huh?"

"A stupid boy, who smells bad."

I had to hold in my laughter, as I watched eight year old me poke out my tongue at my cousin.

My uncle chuckled again as he placed his hand on my shoulder and made me face my cousin. "Get past his initial appearance, Jada. What do you really see?" Her small shoulders went up and down in a shrug. "Notice how he favors his right leg, or When he throws a punch his second throw comes slower. Those are your advantages. Now get back out their and show me what you can do with that."

Nodding her head, she took off back to the middle of the lawn. Feeling eyes on me I looked over to see my uncle looking back at me through the fence. Standing up, I backed away from the hole and ran into a solid wall.

Turning my uncle stood there in a white linen suit. "Life's not fair, mija, now show me your advantages."

Groaning I shifted slightly as I felt a continuous throbbing pain in my head. I could faintly hear the sound of something clinking against glass. When I opened my eyes I took in my surroundings. My last moments before I blacked out came rushing back and confusion set in.

The glass continued  to clink and I started to get scared. Holy shit, am I in the sunken place?

This was it, I was going to be sold as a sex slave. I tried moving my fingers to see if I had any mobility. I got excited when my fingers moved. Good that hadn't taken full control of my body.

Hearing footsteps I closed my eyes pretending to sleep.

I heard a familiar laugh and my heart nearly stopped. "You can stop pretending to sleep. I can promise you're not in a Get Out situation." I heard Dahlia chuckle.

Opening my eyes I sat up straight. I was in a bed, covered in black sheets. The room I was in was bigger than me and Dahlia's apartment. I was so focused on my surroundings that I didn't see Dahlia sitting across from me on the edge of the bed. She was holding out a small white tea cup.

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