Chapter 27

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It's been so long since I've been to Mass. after Lisa took me away, the only time I'd been is when Robert and my mother needed to make an appearance as a religious family. It always ended with reporters in my face and Farah falling asleep in the middle of the service, but this church was very different from the one I've been to.

It still had the same aesthetic, but the vibe was off. From the moment we got out of the car I could feel tension all around the room. The whole church even seemed divided. When I tried to walk on one side of the stairs, Ryder stopped me and pulled me to the other side of the railing.

Then I spotted my cousin sitting in one section with my aunt and uncle. I was going to say hello when Nico subtly shook his head. Grabbing my hand Ryder guided me to the other side of the room and sat me down at a pew.

"I'm just going to go and speak to some gentleman that I know. Wait here and don't talk to anyone you don't know."

Nodding I felt awkward just sitting here, so I pulled out my phone and texted Dahlia to see where she was. This morning as Ryder and I were getting ready, she was having a full on meltdown. She couldn't find anything to wear. Which was odd because she had a million clothes and she was always confident in anything that she wears.

"Are you lost, darlin'?" A man with a heavy Irish accent was standing above me.

Glancing around I was trying to make sure that he was talking to me. I know Ryder said not to speak to anyone, but this guy approached me.

"Excuse me," I needed him to clarify because I am in a church. How would that constitute me being lost?

"Well I am just saying, everyone knows who everyone is here and this doesn't seem like the right cathedral for you." He had a devilish glint in his eyes.

"What makes you think that this isn't the right church for me?"

"Well legend has it, this church is notorious for criminals and the people they associate themselves with."

"Hmm, good to know." Getting comfortable in the seat, I went back to my phone.

"So the Italians, hmm. Does Bandini have a deal going on with the Governor?" My head snapped up when he mentioned Robert.

"That's none of your business, Kieran." A stern voice said behind me. Dahlia sat down next to me with a smile on her face but it didn't reach her eyes. She was wearing a dark pink velvet dress. A little raunchy for church, but modest for her taste. "You know the rules, stay on your side before you cause trouble."

"Oh, but darlin' I thought that you liked trouble." His eyes shined with mirth as he leaned closer to Dahlia.

"Go away," she spoke through clenched teeth.

"You know you've missed our little meetings these past few mon-- " Before he could finish Dahlia stood up and had a blade to his throat.

The cathedral suddenly got quiet and my eyes shifted around to see all eyes on us, but that wasn't the only thing. As fast as Dahlia pulled out the blade, guns were drawn and pointed in different directions.

Even with the blade to his throat Kieran had a sadistic grin on his face. Grabbing her wrist he pulled the blade closer to his throat, almost like he was daring her to do it. It's like he wasn't afraid of dying, or starting a war.

"Everyone sit down, now." The priest was now standing at the podium, anger clear on his face. "This is the house of the lord. We have rules and we will abide by them."

Guns lowered, but Dahlia was still holding the blade to Kieran's neck and he made no movements to leave either. "O'Dwyer and Bandini, take a seat, this thing is done." The priest demanded and Dahlia dropped her blade.

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