Chapter 12

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"Rise and shine!" Someone sang out horribly. Throwing open the curtains the bright light blinded me. "Get up sleepy head." The blankets were suddenly pulled off my body.

Letting out a hiss, I went to grab the blanket, but it was gone. "Let me sleep," I moaned out.

After I had gone to the bathroom I came back out and Ryder was gone. Which I was thankful for. I didn't want him to see me have a melt down over the people who were supposed to be my family. They probably didn't even realize that I was missing until the press asked about me. No one really cared about me, and the people who did I had been ripped away from. I had been on my own for so long, I forgot what actual family felt like.

Climbing onto the bed, I hardly even paid attention to what was on the television. Eventually I fell asleep to the white noise. I had woken up at some point in the middle of the day when I felt Ryder get in the bed with me. I could feel his arms wrap around me as I drifted off to sleep.

All I wanted to do was sleep my pregnancy away, but someone was trying to get me up. 

"Jada get your pregnant ass up and out of bed." Dahlia's voice filled my sleepy addled mind.

"No just let me sleep the rest of my life away, "I grumbled reaching for the blanket that she pulled them off me. 

 Sitting up, I watched as she rumpled up the blanket and placed it at the foot of the bed. Glaring at her I went to reach for it when she held up her hand.

"If you touch that blanket, I will set it on fire." There's a dangerous glint in her eyes that told me she wasn't bluffing.

"Why are you doing this to me? I am just accepting the life that was thrust upon me." I grumbled as I got out of the bed and waddled my way to the bathroom.

"You're not accepting your life Jada, you're giving up and I cannot have you wallowing in self-pity. It is not good for you or the baby." I heard rattling around in the bedroom as she spoke.

Finishing up in the bathroom I washed my hands and saw myself in the mirror. My eyes were puffy and red. My hair looked like I got attacked by a flock of birds . I was wearing one of Ryder's shirts, which was extremely wrinkled.  Any other time I would care about how I looked, but no one would see me, but my best friend and my fake fiancé.

Walking out of the bathroom, Dahlia was smoothing out a dress on the bed. "Are you going somewhere?" I asked her, leaning against the doorway.

"No, but you are." She smirked smugly.

"In case you're forgetting I am a prisoner in this giant mansion," I snorted out making my way back to the bed to look at the beautiful dress she had picked out for me.

"You're not a prisoner. We just have to keep a closer eye on you with this little one in your tummy." She stooped down and started talking to my belly like a baby and placed kisses all over my round stomach.

"Stop that," I demanded pushing at her head. I hate when she does that. "So, wait does that mean you're taking me out," my mood lifting slightly. 

I finally get to leave this museum of a house. With Dahlia maybe it will be easier to distract her and make a phone call to my cousin and get my ass out of here. Knowing Ryder, he probably wouldn't give up that easy, so going back to New York isn't an option. Looks like I am going back to Cuba, which I will definitely be protected by my uncle and my aunt can help me raise the baby. This is perfect I could kiss Dahlia right now.

"Actually..." Dahlia broke me out of my train of thought as she spoke. 

The door opened as I waited for her to finish her sentence.  "Is she ready," Ryder asked as he stood in the entryway. He leaned against the door and crossed one ankle over the other. My eyes couldn't help but notice his body moved so elegantly into the sexy position, when I realized that he's wearing dark denim jeans and a deep v gray t-shirt. He looked delectable and a little too casual for work. 

A Dangerous GiftTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon