Chapter Six

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"No, no, no, no, no!" I groaned. "I can't afford this!" I looked around, as if I was expecting to catch the perpetrator.

"You," I growled, spotting Zeus sitting in his convertible a couple spots away.

I stomped over to him; my fists clenched and smoke practically billowing from my nose.

"Did you really pop all my tires over those stupid roses?!" I spat, raising my hands to fight. "You are such an a—"

"Whoa, hold on there!" He held his hands up in defense, innocence plastered on his face. "I didn't pop anything."

"Really? Then why are all of my tires flat?" I wanted to literally rip his ear off and readied every swear word I knew, preparing an arsenal to loose on him.

"I thought something was wrong with the valves, so I fiddled with them a little. I guess I accidently let the air out." He was still the picture of innocence, but I caught a slight twitching of his mouth.

"I cannot believe you!" I screamed. "Do you know what this means?! I'm going to be late to class because I have to fix them! It's only the second day of school. What will my professor think?" I grabbed the top of his door and leaned over, right into his face. "If I lose my scholarship, so help me, I'll—"

"Hang on baby," he crooned.

"Ugh. Do not call me baby." If I had a knife I would have been slicing things off, Bible style.

"Chill out, will you? That's why I stuck around; I'll drive you to school. Look," he grabbed a cup and held it out to me. "I even brought coffee."

I stared at the cup dumbfounded.

"You flattened my tires so I would have to hitch a ride?" I raised an eyebrow, folding my arms.

"Get in the car," he sighed. "You said yourself you'll be late if you don't come with me."

"I did not say that."

"You implied it." He smiled at me, lowering his designer sunglasses so I could see his eyes.

"I did not! I—whatever. But I'm not drinking the coffee." I walked around to the other side of the car, hating that he was right. I needed the ride.

"Touchy," he joked.

"I don't drink coffee before art class," I shot back. "It makes my work jittery."

"Art huh?"

"Don't talk to me."

I fumed through all of my classes, struggling to maintain focus. Zeus agreed to have my tires aired back up and my car dropped off, so I wouldn't have to find a ride home. I could only hope he'd hold up his end of the deal.

I couldn't believe he'd come to my house. Twice. Especially after the way he treated me at the club. He'd still been as handsome as sin, his maroon shirt and jeans practically painted on . . . .I needed to focus. This guy was going to make my life miserable! Maybe I should have forgiven him when he brought the flowers. Then I never would have had to see him again and life would have been great.

I tried to pay attention to what the teacher was saying. It was my last class for the day, and I was supposed to be taking notes for a quiz next week. I gripped my pen and started writing furiously—leaving ink blots on the page.

What if my parents were right and this was the start of a stalking? I could end up dead in a dumpster—or worse! Several worse case scenarios started to run through my mind, many depicting my bones being used as decoration in his resort. So much for concentrating.

Zeus (The God Chronicles #1)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora