Chapter Twenty Three

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"I really am very sorry. I'd hoped the nightmare would scare you enough to wake you and make you want to run." Morpheus spoke quietly, barely above a whisper, his wings folded meekly behind his bare chest. He stayed on the other side of the room, next to the door, as if he were afraid to come any closer.

"It's fine," I assured him once again from my bed. "I know you were trying to help and I'm greatly appreciative."

"We both are," Zeus said from his chair next to me. "Who knows what would have happened if you hadn't taken action—Kronos could have killed Karly in her sleep just like in the dream." A soft smile graced his face as he took my hand in his, leaning against the side of the bed to kiss my forehead.

"Again, thank you, Morpheus," I said warmly.

"It was all I could do at that point," he shrugged, sliding his hands into the pockets of his black jeans.

"It was much more than that." Zeus stood, moving towards him, a smile of gratitude on his face. "I would like for you and your father to come back to Mount Olympus."

"Back?" I asked, confused.

"Long ago, my father angered our mighty King," he nodded his head in respect to Zeus before continuing. "Because of what happened, he was banished and warned that he would be killed if he ever came back."

"Zeus," I said, horrified. "How could you do such a thing?"

"You mustn't hold it against him," Morpheus said, hints of the first smile I'd seen appearing on his face. "He was a different person then. You have done much to better him, if you don't mind my saying."

"It's true, it's true!" Zeus laughed, clapping a hand onto Morpheus's shoulder. "I apologize for my hasty judgments. Please, accept my apology and return home, to your family."

"Thank you," Morpheus said, slipping from under Zeus's grasp. "But it is much easier to work with dreams where we are now. My father is very old and sick as well—I will extend your invitation to him, but I'm certain we will stay where we are."

"If you are sure," Zeus said after a moment. "But you are always welcome here."

"Thank you." Morpheus bowed his head, moving to open the door. "I imagine Karly needs her rest, and my father will be waiting for me."

"Thank you," I said once more.

"Safe journeys, my friend." Zeus returned to his seat at beside me as Morpheus left, the door clicking shut softly behind him.

"Do you think he could tell?" I giggled

"Tell what?" Zeus said, taking my hand once more.

"That we're engaged!" I was on cloud nine, despite everything that had happened.

"How could he tell? You're not even wearing a ring," he laughed. "Besides, it's not official until I get down on one knee."

"Sure it is," I said, tugging on his hand until he crawled up onto the bed with me.

"Well, it doesn't count to me until then." Wrapping his arms around me, he placed a kiss on my lips and pulled the blanket higher up around me. "Now, go to sleep. Morpheus is right, you need your rest."

"Yeah, Mom. I know, I should have woke you up before we left, I'm sorry. I'll remember if there's ever a next time. Love you too."

I clicked the cell phone shut, a massive sigh blowing through my lips.

"Were you talking to your mom?" Zeus asked as he came through the door, a breakfast tray in his hands.

"Yes. She was upset that we left without telling her—understandably—but I think it will blow over fine." Smiling, I sat up higher in bed, gladly accepting the tray of food and kiss that Zeus presented.

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