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"Ah! Good morning tatay!"

The blonde hair with a hair strand standing proudly, blue eyed man whipped his head towards the direction of the voice. Alfred F. Jones, the personification of the United States of America, smiled happily even giddily at the dark brown slighly spiky hair hazel eyes boy, Felipe James Martinez, the personification of the Philippines. His former colony and ado- no his real son, came forward and joyfully give him a hug.

Oh how he miss his little boy!

"Kamusta ka tay! (How are you dad!)" Felipe asked as he released his hug "It's been a month since we last saw each other. How's nanay? Got any new siblings tay?" he grinned cheekily.

Alfred swatted him playfully, cheeky boy! "Aren't you playful! Have you been eating well son? Is Yao still bothering you?" he inwardly growl, the damn man has hurt his son!

Felipe laughed "You're such a worrywart tay! If I had any pr-"

"The meeting has started!" the voice of Ludwig Beilschmidt, a neat blonde hair piercing blue eyes man, the personification of Germany, boomed across the room, "Enough chitchat with your enemy, friends, vatti, mutti, bruder, swester, liebe whatever it was, it can be finished later!"

Many nations groan, some like the curly dark brown hair green eye man, Heracles, the personification of Greece just took a nap for it was a usual day.

A messy brown hair with, two strands sticking out, green eyed man,Kyle Kirkland, the personification of Australia, came late by bursting through the window much to his foster, albeit grudging, son and former colony/enemy's dismay, a ponytailed black hair brown earth eye boy name Johnathan, the personification of Papua New Guinea. Maximillian Winston, a blonde hair who styles after a sheep green eyes man, personification of New Zealand, sighs at the damage his adopted brother had caused. Arthur Kirkland, a slightly messy blonde hair and green eyes man, the personification of England, huffs indignantly whilst sipping his earl grey tea as he leans on his near estranged yet loving (like both will admit it) husband, a slightly long red hair and green eyes man named Allistor Kirkland, the personification of Scotland, who is trying to keep his blush down. It is a common knowledge that these men have thick eyebrows.

Veneziano Vargas, the North personification of Italy, with his clean brown hair with a curl strand, eyes closed, whines at the prospect of not eating pasta.His brother Romano or Lovino Vargas, who looks slightly similar yet rougher, green eyes and his strand on the other side, the South personification of Italy, yells at his brother as he tries to dodge Antonio Henandez Carriedo's incoming bear hug, a messy brown hair green eyes man who is also known as the personification of Spain.

Felipe sits next to a sulking Alejandro Gonzales, a dark blue hair, which look nearly like black, honey eyed boy, the personification of Mexico. Alejandro mumbles, something about a moronic Spanish man and his weird obsessions. Unbeknowst to them, Alfred is busy glaring at them, most especially Alejandro, his pencil cracks as Felipe pats him.

'Damn Latino, trying to steal my son away!' he angrily thought 'My baby doesn't deserve that boy!' his eye twitches as Alejandro gives his son a hug.

"Are you all right Alfred?" his beloved Matthew willaims asked him, the caramel hair amethyst eye man, the personification of Canada. "You seemed...tense eh..."

Alfred exhales as he watched a normal human family interact. He felt envious, no bosses or interference, they all seem happy, carefree. His foster son Felipe, is independent, his lover Matthew is his own country and while Manuel Cortez Jones, the personification of Palau and Liza Cruz, the personification of Guam, an ebony pigtails hair golden brown eyed girl, who are his territories and Mark Xavier Jones, the personification of Molossia, who is a micronation, are still under him, they too have their own affairs sometimes that twice a week, Alfred finds himself lonely at the dinner table without a companion.

"You're so alone..." a dark voice chuckles "Will you be able to continue like that? Come on man, be assertive!"

"W-who are you dude!?" Alfred asked as he readies himself "Show yourself!"

The voice chuckles "Why I am in your mind Achak!" he answered "I am here to tell you that your family with Qannik will eventually crumble and leaving you all alone if you don't do something about it."

Alfred was puzzled, wary, angry, sad and fearful. Achak? Qannik? Who are they? And how dare he told him that his family will be gone and would leave him eventually ! They just need some space that's all! Right?

"Ah poor Achak, have you forgotten? Then again they did a number on ya. Those Europeans just love to take what's yours." The voice sneered "Even your memories."

Images flash in Alfred's mind. He gripped his hair, trying to numb the sheer sudden pain. Th-those memories... his missing days...his appearance... his family...! It seems so different yet the same.

"W-why is this happening?!" Alfred clenched his head harder "Aaaaargh!!!"

"My beloved..." his voice rasped as he plant his lips on the other "My light..." The man giggle, he resembles his beloved Matthew...

A small baby who resembles Felipe gurgles in someone's arms.

Two babies, one a year older physically, crawls towards him as another boy toddles, giggling while chanting "papa papa"

Pain... so much pain!!! His vision is covered in red. The bloodcurdling scream of his people were around him. He tightens his hold on his children... He had to get them safely-

NO! His children! Gone... he stared at the cliff before him, ignoring the blood flowing down. Anger boiled his blood, vowing his revenge as he succumbs to his wounds.

"I'll make you pay you white demons... my family and I will be reunited someday... you white demons will feel our wrath!!"

Alfred gave his Matthew, his beloved Qannik or his beloved Inuit, a reassuring smile. One arm draped on the Canadian's shoulder.

"I'm fine Mattie..." he told him soothingly, giving him a peck on his forehead "I'm really fine."

Soon our family will be united once more as soon as I strip you all from those mindless responsibilities... The Union of the Great Pacific has a nice ring to it hmm?


Felipe laughed as Liza angrily chase his adopted sibling, Manuel, the personification of Palau, a blonde dyed messy hair dark brown eye boy, for throwing a damn jellyfish at her food!

"Damn it Manuel Cortez!" Liza screech "You and those... those things!!" Manuel just laugh idiotically which reminiscent of Antonio's.

"Hey guys, dad is cal- OH $#!+!!!!" Mark cursed as he dodges the incoming lamp "Is it Liza's time of the month again!? Because ^=€£ it hurts-"

A large hand bonked on Mark's poor head.

"I knew you were cursing whenever I am not around!" Alfred angrily yanked Mark's ear "No son of mine will run around cursing like a pirate!"

"But gradma Arthur was a pirate!" Mark cried indignantly.

Alfred inwardly sneered at his traitorous former guardian. Like he could ever accept that man again in his life! How dare he coddle him when he destroyed his people and his family! Pah! Now that he knows the truth of his past, he will never fall for his old tricks!

"No video games for a month!" Alfred scolded him "Besides, Iggy is now a reform gentleman."


Felipe happily munch his mango as he lean back and enjoy the bright sunny day. After so many paperworks, he is free!

Then a shadow appeared to block his light. Turning around, Felipe was about to admonished the stranger when he felt a huge blow at the back of his neck.

Darkness soon cover his vision.

"Sir! We have successfully capture your son."

"Good work dude!" Alfred cheerfully praise his men as he immediately lift Felipe in his arms. His son would understand soon. "You'll be safe... Etu..."

Qannik - snowflake
Etu -Sun
Achak- Spirit

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