Reality or insanity

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"That's impossible!" Felipe yells "You're in the Americas! I'm in Asia! Our colours are different and it was papa who'd found me first! Hell, I even remember China trading with me, a mere toddler, before!"

Alfred hasn't falter "I am the personification of many tribes little Etu. My skin and eyes were like yours before. I lost you during the 1600's when the Spanish came and coincidentally you were in a basket out of nowhere near the sea with an amulet. Tawalisi, my cousin who I lost contact after the Ice Age, raised you didn't she?"

Felipe felt his blood froze, how does he know about Inay? How does he- it cannot be true!

The older man sighs and took out several papers and gently gave them to the boy. D.N.A. results and also the racial enthicity of the boy. Felipe numbly took them and after a few minutes, the boy felt like he wanted to cry. Alfred slowly encased the boy in an embrace, burying his nose into the boy's wild messy hair. Felipe shakes, for so many years... they were here all along.

"You and your siblings were taken away from me and Matthew. Those bastards will pay for what they did!" he chillingly smiles at his son "You and your siblings will be safe my little Eagle... the world will tremble before us!" Felipe immediately stops his tears upon hearing those unfamiliar wprds coming out of his father's lips. Has he really gone mad?..

"T-tay I'm begging you!" Felipe tried to dissuade his foster-no birth father from this madness! "People change and you yourself said you'd be a hero! Tay just let them go... we could be a real family and jus-"

"Do you think I could just let their deed go unpunished!? Do you know how many had died!? How many MY people died!? How they change us!? For fuck's sake, they abused you and yet you forgive them!?" Alfred angrily punch the nearby wall "Don't be naive Fel! Your good heart will always be use by your enemies as an advantage!" he then coldly added "Finish your breakfast, I have to fetch your mother and siblings. Behave all right?"



Mark angrily slams his phone down. Damn it, his brother is gone and his father hasn't answered any of his calls yet. Sighing, he flops down in front of his laptop. His fingers immediately move and suddenly a hand covers his mouth. Instinctively he threw the offender and to his surprise and confusion, it was one of his father's men.

"I'm impressed dude." Mark whips his head towards the said man. Alfred smiles proudly at him. "That's some hook you got."

"Cut the crap dad, why are your men here?" Mark gestures his hand outside of his window, elite forces covering the entire vicinity. "Big brother is missing for crying out loud! I thought you'd be freaking out by now?"

Alfred grins but Mark felt a chill to his spine. No, this isn't the same smile his dad always use. He then felt a blow to his head, darkness covering his vision.

"Sorry my little runner but I know you won't come quietly." Alfred murmured apologetically and tenderly kiss his forehead "Daddy will take you to big brother and then we'll be a happy family." His grin grew more sinister.

Two more and lastly, his beloved snow.



"What the bloody hell do you mean that there are no witnesses!? Those are my grandchildren we're talking about! One got hurt is in now in a month coma and two others are missing! So? Get you bloody arses to work!" Arthur slams the phone "Those twats will really get it..."

Allistor nods as he too calls. Who the bloody feck tries to hurt and kidnaps his grandchildren will pay dearly... he is ten seconds away when a call came. Red thick eyebrows furrow in suspicion.

Allistor answers "..Ello? Who's there?"


"Lad is that you!?"

Felipe's eyes scanned the whole room. Windows are bulletproof and safety glass, door needs key, computer is under surveillance etc. He tries reaching the vents but it is also sealed shut. Confound it! If only he has a-

"My phone..." he suddenly remembers and also wanted to hit his head. His hidden phone that he hid somewhere even his own father can't find. Quickly he took it out and immediately dials one of the numbers he memorized.

"...Ello? Who's there?"



"Where are you lad?" Allistor worriedly asks as Arthur scoot closer "Are ya all right? Who took you? Did he-"

"Lolo there is no time! H-he'll come back with Mark soon! It's tatay! Tatay is the one behind this!"

Arthur gaped "What!? Alfred!?"

"He's gone crazy lola! I don't know what happened! H-he wanted us in his empire and he wants to kill you all! He-"

"Turn the phone off son." Alfred's voice was heard and to the Kirklands confusion, fear and anger, the man had the phone off. So, it was him all along! But why!?

"Keep Matthew and the rest of the children in a safer haven." Arthur orders his men while Allistor is busy tracking their location. "Alfred... what happened to you my boy?..."


"How could you!?" Alfred grabs his eldest son's shoulder, ignoring Mark's demands to let his brother go. "Don't you get it!? They are the enemies son! Why did you betray me, your father!"

Felipe didn't answer, his father is mad. Completely bonkers! And his cheek hurts damn it!

Alfred is furious. His eldest, the one whose loyalty to him is so high that he never questions his motives, who views him as his favorite country had betray him. Felipe... those monsters have brainwashed his son against him. Yes that must be it..

"Damn it dad! Let my brother go!" Mark screams, to think his adopted brother is now his real brother, which does not change a thing, and how dare dad hit him! "He is doing what's right! You're crazy now dad!"

No, no not his little Mark too!

"My boys.... my sons....why?.." Alfred's tone grew darker "YOU'RE NOT LEAVING ME AGAIN!!!" snapping his fingers, men enters the room and ties the screaming children.

No one is leaving him.

No one.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2015 ⏰

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