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This is an Au so this isn't base on history sometimes and also I borrow some of the story ideas from the fanfic called My Knight my Warrior. I know some of you are wary about Papua New Guinea as Aus's son but this is an AU and not really base on real life. I did saw some fics about countries being real parents to their own colonies yet no one bats an eye.


Johnathan felt his face heating up. This is it! He will not back down, no never! Politically they aren't close and neither historically but as Johnathan and Felipe they are very close.

He wanted Felipe as his, he wanted to be with him! The older boy will no longer treat him as his precious little cousin but as a man now! Felipe is older yes but Johnathan often swore that he barely look like his age, heck even he look much more younger than him!

"Felipe!" Johnathan called him, knocking the door as one hand held a bouquet of flowers complete with a sampaguita garland. "Open up! Fe-" he couldn't finish his sentence before falling to the ground.

"Call Kyle and tell him that his son had a "fever". Make sure he will forget about this..." Alfred then frown "You may be my nephew but... you can't have Fel..."


Felipe groggily wakes up. His head hurt, he wince when his finger had accidentally touch a certain spot. What happen? Who'd hit him?

"Rise and shine son!" Alfred cheerfully greet Felipe as he enters the room, carrying a tray of food and a litre of Felipe's favorite drink, orange juice.

Felipe drool, man was he famished! But then there is something that has been bothering him. "Tay? What happened?.. And how did I get here?"

Alfred sighs and sets down the tray, plopping on Felipe's bed and immediately ruffles the boy's brown locks. Like his a long time ago...

"Fel... I know you are independent and I know you will resist but I had to do what's best for you and our family." Alfred's face then grew darker "You are safe here son. Those Europeans and the rest won't hurt us anymore... You can live your life as a normal kid, tatay and maybe nanay will handle the rest."

"T-tay... you're scaring me..." Felipe plead his father "My people nee-"

Alfred cuts him off with a VERY tight embrace. "No no no you can't!.. They... those bastards... no no... can't lose you again... my son..." Alfred's mumbling is very worrisome.

Felipe felt his blood turn ice cold, what's gotten into him? "Tay...p...please... you're not making any sense at all! " The boy cried out as he felt his entire body crack, did his foster father forget his own strength!? "Taaaaay! Sakit! Ang sakit! (Dad! Hurts! It hurts!)"

Upon hearing the boy's painful cries, Alfred lets go. Felipe gasps out, breathing to control the painful sensation. What happened to him?...

Alfred slowly reaches out, did he hurt him? No... no! "Fel I-I'm sorry... I..." Felipe shrank away from his touch. This isn't happening! Damn it!

"Why tay?.. What happened to you?.." Felipe bit his bottom lip. "Are you going... to try to kill me again?.. Just like before?.." the boy look at him with sorrow in his eyes "When you betray me?..

"Halt!" Alfred yell at the boy "Don't move!"

Felipe defiantly look at him "Halto!"


The older man tremble, he would never! "I would never do that to you!"

Felioe sniff "But you did it many times before... so maybe you are falling back into old habits..."

Alfred grab the boy's shoulders. "You. Are. My. Son!" blue eerily shines "I can never hurt you! I just wanted to keep you in my grasps and protect our family from those vile nations." he hissed.

"Ano?.. (What?..)"

Alfred chuckles darkly, sending shivers down to the boy's back "Oh my sweet, sweet little Etu...." he caresses the horror struck and confused boy "So young and innocent... so small and fragile... you were raise by that man who also had taken you away from your cradle... made you a servant and curse you a life of being an orphan... he never saw your true potential my little one..."

Felipe gulps "Papa isn't like that-" he shrieks when Alfred suddenly threw a vase at the wall behind him. He tries to crawl away but due to the older man's speed, he was being lifted up by his collar and his blood froze when he saw those normally happy sky blue eyes are now darker and filled with madness.

"I'm your father. Raise by that Spaniard or not, he can never be your father." he snarls at the thought of Antonio being the one who Felipe thought as his "first" father. He is the boy's BIRTH father damn it!

If it weren't for those Europeans, he and his beloved would have raise their three children (and soon their fourth) in tranquil happiness. Instead, he was forced to put them in a basket and sail them to sea in order for them to be out of harm's way and then his so called "rebirth".

Felipe whimpers, what is wrong with him?! Yeah Antonio may be far from the ideal father but he did raise him partially and tried to get his king to listen to his colonies' abuses! Some of his people may abuse them but not him. He loves Antonio but sometimes he did wish Antonio would try hard to be a better father.

"He still raise-"

Alfred cuts him off coldly "But he isn't your real father." He then took out a feathered necklace... did that look familiar?.. "I am."

"You mean to tell me..." Kyle felt anger coursing through his veins "That someone just attacked my lil' Johnathan and NOBODY IS THERE TO BLOODY WITNESS IT!?!?!?!" he slams a fist in front of a very sacred Raj, the personification of India. "When I find that bastard I'll-"

"Where is he!?" A woman, Rani, the personification of Indonesia, yells outside the door. James glanced at Kyle with worry. It has gone from bad to bloody worse! "He is my son with my late husband and not that man!"

Kyle felt a vein popped, not her! Anyone but his onesided love who can't seem to move on from her old flame. Yeah all right they are married but she really needs to let go! Why can't she love him? Heck he even adopted her son (also her daughter once) and he even saw them as his own. Call him selfish but he really loves her and... felt like he knew her for a long time...

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