Allergies/ Z.M P.E break up

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"Brooklyn! Get down here before I come up there and smack your butt!" I heard a voice call upstairs.

A manly voice, not like Perrie's voice, or any of the girls.

I immediately got scared and whimpered. I quickly tip-toed into the closet with my teddy bear - Faith. I shut the door and silently cried. Who was this person talking to me? What did he want? I felt a familiar feeling in my nose and got scared. I had to sneeze. 'Oh no, I hope it's not loud.' I thought to myself. Guess what? It was very loud.

It went, "ACHOOO!" With me basically screaming. I heard loud footsteps coming up the stairs, and whimpered once again.

He heard me.

'Crap.' I thought in my head. That's what my old daddy said whenever he got pulled over by a cop. I probably shouldn't think of my daddy..."Yeah. You probably shouldn't." I heard someone say. I hadn't realized someone had the closet door open right now, and was staring at me. He had a beard, and red, curly hair. He had glasses and freckles. I think this is what cheese ball haired gi-I mean Leigh-Anne, called a pervert. She told me to stay away from perverts. Oh no. There is a pervert in front of me right now.

I'm doomed.

I suddenly started smelling bacon, and heard Perrie's sweet voice calling out, "Brookey! Breakfast, we have a big day today!" As soon as I heard that, I felt cold air drifting onto me. I looked outside and realized it was raining outside. I started pouting. It's only October - October 20th to be exact! 6 more days until my birthday, and there's already cold rain. (A/N She didn't count that on herself, Jesy told her.)

Back to reality. I felt cold air on my tummy, and opened my eyes slightly to see Perrie standing over me with a big smile.

"Wakey, wakey, Brooke! Time to get up! Soon, you'll have to get up for pre-school!"

"Non, je suis si fatigué!" I yelled at her in French, then remembering that she was not French herself, and what I just said probably sounded like gibberish to her. "Sowwy, I didn't mean to say it in Fwench..." I apologize. "It's okay, hun. But wake up, there's bacon!" She cheered. "Okay." I yawned at her. She helped me out of the bed, and we began walking downstairs.

"Morning, sleepy head!" Leigh-Anne happily said to me. "Thank you, Leigh-Leigh!" I cheered back to her, mentally praising myself for not saying 'Cheese ball haired girl.'

We quickly ate the food, and Perrie led me up to my room to get me dressed. She put my hair in a bun, which got longer in the daycare, and also longer. Very happy about that.

She dressed me into a black sweater, cheetah print leggings, a cute scarf, and some boots. My outfit was complete for the day. (Pic above or on side) We started heading out, but before we went to the grocery store, we went to a common drink place-Pine Juice.

I got a blueberry juice, and was excited because blueberries are the best fruit ever.

We got our juice from someone with a very ugly face. I know if Perrie were in my mind, she would have scolded me for saying that. But he was ugly. He scowled at Perrie and handed the girls their drinks. He handed me mine with a smirk. I goofily smiled back at him, and he returned it with a eye roll.


Everyone started enjoying their drinks, so I tasted mine. It tasted weird...It reminded me of my dad.

Why? I don't know. Something about the taste..No, I don't taste my dad but...What is this taste?!?!

After a few seconds, I swallowed the juice and immediately widened my eyes.

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