two: leave me alone

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Friday, May 8th, 2015

10:13 AM    jared: Hello. How are you feeling?

3:00 PM      jared: Do you want to know what you missed in English class?

4:13 PM     me: why are you texting me at 10 am in the morning

4:13 PM    me: i mean who would even bother to wake up at 10 am

4:15 PM    jared: Anybody that goes to school has to get up earlier than 10 AM! :P

4:18 PM   me: please don't send me emoticons its creepy and unpleasant

4:18 PM   me: and no thank you for the english homework

4:19 PM   jared: Okay. :(

4:19 PM   me: that includes sad faces too

4:19 PM   jared: Hold on, you don't want to get caught up with school??

4:21 PM   me: no

4:21 PM   me: why would i, my body is beginning to blow up with gross blisters as i'm texting you

4:23 PM   jared: Well, is it really that hard to bother to read the second chapter of the Catcher in the Rye?

4:24 PM   me: yes

4:24 PM   me: and i said no thank you to the english homework there's no way i'm going to be reading  at this state

4:25 PM   me: i'm gonna go now BYE

4:25 PM  me: you don't have to text me anymore its fine :))))) my friends will tell me what i've missed if i want to know

4:27 PM   jared: Somehow I really doubt that Lia. I think it's important that you get caught up with school in the early stages of chickenpox before it gets much worse. 

4:27 PM   jared: You also need to create a character profile for Holden Caulfield.

4:29 PM   jared: But I guess you might not be in the state to be able to grip a pencil.

4:40 PM   jared: Hello? Lia?

10:00 PM  jared: Goodnight Lia, hope you'll be able to get lots of rest this week!

a/n: couldn't upload last night due to wattpad maintenance. expect another update later in the day!!! 

also don't forget to vote and comment on what you think and what you like so far. 

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