four: good riddance

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Monday, May 12th, 2015

7:01 AM    jared: Goodmorning! I hope you had a good night's rest after our little conversation. Hopefully you're still sleeping soundly as I'm texting you!

7:30 AM    jared: I'm off to school now!

11:07 AM  me: jesus christ jared you don't have to text me goodmorning and goodnight every single day and tell me what you're doing like i'm your personal diary

12:33 PM  jared: How come?

1:00 PM    me: because it makes you look like a stalker

3:00 PM   jared: Oh. Okay. :-(

3:05 PM   me: and what did i tell you about emoticons?

3:05 PM   me: don't think that you can get away with it just because you added a nose to it

3:10 PM   jared: I think it's nice to send people greetings. Besides, you must be lonely stuck in your room.

3:11 PM   me: ME? LONELY??

3:12 PM   me: that's the last thing that i'm feeling

3:12 PM   me is this what it's all about? do you feeling sorry for me?

3:14 PM   jared: Of course not!

3:14 PM   me: it's very NICE of you that you pity me and want to make sure that i have company, but it's ok!!!!! i have friends. and a family that's knocking on my door every 5 minutes! don't bother to text me anymore!!! like i said the other day if you even remember

3:20 PM   jared: Is it wrong to care for someone?

3:22 PM   me: to care for a friend, no, but to care for a classmate that you hardly know and sits in the back of the class while you're sitting right by the teacher like a little obedient puppy? then yes, it's wrong.

3:23 PM   me: it's kind of overwhelming how you even got my number

3:30 PM   jared: Okay, Lia. I don't have much to contribute to the discussion anymore.

3:31 PM   me: good. have a nice day!!!!

(text failed to send) 3:31 PM me: good riddance

3:32 PM   jared: Get well soon. Bye.

7:04 PM   jared: Oh, and Lia, I forgot to tell you what the English homework was. Read the next chapter of the Catcher in the Rye and also add more to Holden's character profile as well as including some significant quotes so far in the book.

10:00 PM jared: Goodnight Lia!

a/n: i love jared so much omf g. their relationship will progress more i promise omg lia stop being so stiff. also the timing of the texts are important so take note of that while you're reading. 

thank you guys for 100+ reads in just two days. wow!! 

please vote + comment!

expect another update tomorrow!!  :-) (notice the nose?)

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