Chapter 12

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Vision stared down evenly at him while holding Omega's snarling jaws closed. "Not everything in pain needs put down. Just what we cannot prevent from killing others."

Pietro relaxed but Stark's voice cut him off as a pulsar blast shot Sigma into a wall. "That abomination can't be stopped. I read her files, HYDRA made sure only a few could control her and if Ultron is one of them... We can't open that door. Not until we're ready to destroy her."

"No." Pietro growled and blocked the door.

Stark frowned before shrugging and aiming at Omega, as he thrashed madly around in Vision's grasp. "Fine, your funeral."

"You would like to see my funeral... Stark." He spat before dodging Sigma's tail and allowing the vibranium to break the lock.

Sigma made a hissing sound and prepared to charge again but Pietro ran through the door and allowed the other two to handle them. Pietro didn't even see Raptor coming as he was distracted by the Utahraptors outside, and the next thing he saw was the gleaming teeth inches from his face while he laid flat on his back... it felt like he'd been hit by that train from earlier. The breath went out of him as she pressed her weight down on his chest and he was suddenly aware he was unarmed.

"Raptor..." He wheezed as he tried to catch his breath. "You're okay."

Blood dripped from her skull and he could guess hitting the door had caused her more injury than it had helping her escape. He winced as she shrieked and sat up as Raptor ran back, jumped on a messy counter, and prepared to crash into the door at a different angle.

"Stop!" Pietro commanded, only getting a second's glance from her before she started to charge again.

He covered his ears as her claws dug deep gouges in the metal, the sound still piercing. Raptor rammed the door several more times before giving a panicked wail, which the other two outside returned. Pietro tried to walk towards her but Raptor saw the movement and whipped around to face him. He stopped as she crouched down, hesitating a moment as if finally recognizing him, before lunging. He ran and saw her crash into the counter he'd put between them before turning and climbing on the counter behind him to gain height. Raptor made a hissing sound before leaping up and slipping on spilled chemicals, unfortunately Pietro felt her claws catch his sleeve and he was dragged down as well.

It then occurred to him that she was attacking him because she thought he had locked her up just like HYDRA had. "Raptor, stop... We weren't going to leave you in here. I came back!"

She growled lowly and stood over him as she caught her breath, apparently she didn't believe him. Pietro was about to try again but at that moment Stark decided to enter the room. Raptor swung around with a startled screech and Pietro flinched as she stood defensively between him and Stark.

"Easy there Fossil." Stark held up his pulsar blasts. "This won't hurt much."

"No!" Pietro stood up and ran towards Tony, sending the partly armored man into a cabinet.

Claws clicked against the floor and he tensed up as Raptor stopped right behind him. He could feel her breath tickle his neck as she scented him and slowly circled him with sudden curiosity, her fear of being trapped suddenly gone as light poured into the room from the open door.

"Raptor...?" Pietro reached out and gently placed his hand on her neck.

She snarled and snapped at his hand, drawing a thin trail of blood, before thrusting her head against him. Pietro relaxed as she finally calmed down, but he tensed up as Stark got up and prepared to shoot again.

"Stark no, she's fine!" Wanda ran in shouting, in a new outfit than she'd arrived it.

Tony glared down at her for a moment before lowering the weapon. "If she kills anyone... it's on the two of you."

Pietro watched as the man he despised walked out of the room before giving Wanda a grateful look, his sister was always there to help out. He glanced down at Raptor to find her in her human form, pain still evident in her eyes.

"Let's go, Rogers wanted us ready to leave five minutes ago."

He started walking out of the room but was pulled back by Raptor. "Why didn't you let them kill me? I was going to tear out your throat yet you defended me."

"You weren't thinking straight, you were thinking of the past..." He trailed off, not wanting to bring up bad memories again. "You are better now though... yes?"

Her amber eyes searched his face for a moment before nodding. "I'm not too bad at the moment... a bit confused about how I got here but... I'm fine."

"Let's go." He pulled her towards the door, knowing the others were waiting... it ironic that he was the last one ready yet the fastest person here.

Raptor still refused to follow him. "I can't... I can't go with them... I'm no hero."

"My sister and I weren't either. People can change."

She gave a bitter laugh. "I should have killed you, that's what I was created for... Why can't I just tear out your heart? I wonder if the years have made me soft."

Pietro heard frustration in her tone and cautiously wrapped his arms around her. "You are one of the deadliest people I have met, if anything the years have made you stronger... As for why you can't kill me, can you not figure that out?"

Raptor shook her head but didn't pull away. "I... but... It doesn't make sense!"

"Does it have to?" Pietro challenged, what if she refused him and his feelings? "Or would you rather go back to Ultron because he's your master?"

"Ultron is a betrayer!" She snapped and walked towards where the others were impatiently waiting.

He followed and caught up quickly. "You are Raptor Alpha, not Raptor Beta. If you allow him or anyone to force you to do anything then you aren't the alpha."

She seemed to mull over the thought for a moment before narrowing her eyes at him. "And what if I want isn't what you do?"

She was obviously lying to challenge him, a test. "Then I won't stop you."

Raptor nodded, ignoring the glares the Avengers sent her, as they followed them to the jet. "Then my loyalty is to you... Pietro Maximoff, you have been too kind to a monster like me. For that I thank you, I owe you my life."

Pietro felt Omega and Sigma brush against the opposite side of his body Raptor was standing on, they stood close enough to almost seem to just be casually keeping pace, but he knew they were there on orders of protection for the upcoming fight. He mentally smirked; they wouldn't be able to keep up once it started.

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