Chapter 15

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Chapter 15 – Truth!

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“I only need a second, it’s about this whole thing between you, Josh, Parker, and me,” she said as I rolled my eyes.

“What do you mean this whole thing, there is no whole thing you two betrayed and cheated me,” I yelled cutting her off.

“No listen; be careful you know what Josh is like.  Remember what I said back at the beach house about Parker. Remember what Cassie told you.  Think about it.” She advised warningly walking away.

“What she want?” Josh asked walking up to me.

“Just to talk,” I assured him.

“About what?” I heard sharpness in his voice.

“Just to say sorry about what she did, and hopes one day I’ll be able to forgive her.  She’s probably just playing like always.” I lied.

“You sure,” he question squeezing my arm a little too tight.  “You wouldn’t lie to me would you?” he squeezed even tighter pinching the skin.”

“Of course not,” I replied as he smiled dropping my arm.

“Alright, I meet you outside after last class,” He told me walking down the hall.  Once he turned the corner I rubbed my now sore arm, letting tears fall as I slid down to the floor.

He comes off as an ass because he does things without thinking, yet he really is one of the sweetest guys you'll ever meet.  He cares for you Harley. I know you care for him to, but won't admit it. Don't confuse his actions with his feelings." Cassie had told me.

“One thing you should about Parker is that sometimes when he’s scared or upset he’ll say and do things without thinking.” Alanta had said just like Cassie.


I stood outside waiting for Josh when Parker and Alanta walk out right past me, I watched as she and Parker laughed and joked around as the walk to his car.  I miss them both more than I like to admit.  What Alanta had said earlier still stuck in my head.

“Ready to go babe,” Josh asked sling an arm around my waist.

“Yeah,” I replied taking one last look over at Parker and Alanta driving away.

Josh and I got into his car and he drove me home to grab a few things for the party tonight, the he drove to his house to get ready.  “Do you want to shower first babe?” He question as we walked into his room.

“No, its okay you go first,” I told him.

“Okay, I won’t be long,” he assured me walking into the bathroom when my phone rang.

“Hello,” I answered.

“I told him,” Ella soft voice came.

“And,” I probed.

“He took it well he hugged and kissed me, he even kissed my stomach. Now he is setting up doctor’s appointments, and parenting classes, and all kinds of things.” She explained happily.

“That’s…” I stopped midsentence spotting something.  “Ella got to call you back.”

I hung up and picked up a red folder that had my name printed across it.  I picked it up and open to a cover page also with my name, I then flipped the cover page and begun reading.

“The Real Harley:

1.                  Unplanned - Harley was an unplanned Pregnancy for her mother was raped.

2.                  Love child – The man who had raped her mother had disappeared after that night.

3.                  Does not know her father – Harley does not know who her father is for she thinks the man she calls Daddy is her real father, which he’s not.

4.                  Father is in jail – Her real father is in jail for physically and sexually abusing his wife and other daughter.

5.                  Mother single – Although her mother is living with the man that Harley thinks is her real dad they are not married.

6.                  Half-sister – Harley father has another daughter with a woman he married

7.                  Street poor – Harley and her mother are living off the income of the man they are living for they have no money if they weren’t.

There are also a few of my most private journal entries, why does Josh have this.  Just then I heard the shower turn off and put the folder back where I found it and sat on Josh’s bed pretending I was still on the phone.

“Alright well I’ll see you tonight, bye Ella,” I said to no one as Josh exited the bathroom hanging up my already hung up phone.  “That was Ella.”

“Yeah, what she want?” he asked shaking the water from his hair.

“She just told Tyler about the baby,” I answered grabbing a towel and heading into the bathroom and started the shower.  Is tripped and stepped in letting my mind wonder.  Why mom or dad never told me?  Who is my half-sister? Who is my father?  Why Josh had all that?  What about what Alanta and Cassie said?  What it said about my mother and me, I don’t care I know my mother loves me and wouldn’t change anything because she wouldn’t have me.  She’d tell me that all the time when I was younger, but up to now I didn’t know why.  I don’t care what it said about Matt, the man my mother and me are living with, he’s is my father I may not be his blood but he has raised me as his and he loves my mother weather married or not.  The money my mother and I have contributive to.  However I still have to ask them about all this.  Why I may not care they or anyone who knows may care. 

Wait if anyone knows about this plus my journal entries, they have a field day, and could use it against me, my family, and anyone involved in my life that he views as a threat.  That’s what Josh has it for, blackmail, how could I be so stupid?  Parker, Alanta, were involved in my life at the beach house, I see where he could view them as a threat.  I need to talk to Alanta, see what she knows.

I then shut off the shower and started getting ready.  I wrapped a towel around my body; blow dried and straightens my hair, applied a light amount of make-up, and changed into my strapless baby doll purple dress.  I was about to walk out of the bathroom when I heard Josh’s voice.

“Yeah, tonight’s the night,” he said.

“You think Harley willing going to sleep with you?” replied a voice I recognized as Kenneth’s.

“Weather she is willing or not…” Josh didn’t get too finished before Kenneth cut him off.

“You know what man, your one sick son of a bitch, now I’m going before I do something stupid, like beat you ass.” He finished and I waited to hear the front door slam shut before walking out of the bathroom.

“How do I look?” I asked showing no indication that I found out anything.


So she is starting to find out little by little!

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