Without You.

217 15 9

*Scott's POV*


Numb is the only word I can think of as I sit in the elevator with Avi.

"So... Are you planning on going Christmas shopping tomorrow?" Avi asks to break the silence.


"Want to go with me? I need a buddy." He says and I furrow my eyebrows.

"Aren't you Jewish?"

"Yeah, but you guys aren't. Plus my mom isn't Jewish so we still have to buy presents. Hanukkah presents, too."

We get off the elevator and into the car.

I have to sit in the front with Esther.

"So, where are we eating?" I ask.

"Chili's." Esther says.

I hear laughter coming from the back and turn around. "What?"

"Oh, it's nothing. Mitch said something funny." Kevin says.

I turn back around.

I miss him.

We get to the restaurant and I sit beside Kirstie.

Mitch sits at the other end of the table.

I chew on my fingernails as I try to decide what to drink.

I can't stay away from him for the next six days.

It's impossible.

I know we broke up, but Mitch is still my partner in crime.

I still love him.


I look up.

"Oh, sorry. Water, please."

My phone buzzes in my lap.

I look at the text.

I shoot Avi a confused look and read his text.

Sexy Bassman ;): what are you getting everyone for Christmas?

Not sure. Kirstie needs dog stuff and she needs new clothes. I'm getting Kev a bedazzled cello playing thing. Yours is a surprise obvi., and idk what for Mitch.

Sexy Bassman ;): sounds great.

I look over at Mitch.

He looks so-

No, Scott. This is good. This is good for both of you.

I go on Twitter until the waitress takes our order.

"Chicken tenders and fries, please. With a side of ranch."

I love chicken tenders.

And ranch.

Ranch is good.

I scroll through my Twitter feed when I see something that catches my eye.


Oh no.

I slide down my screen and see that it's Tuesday.

I shoot Mitch a look and see that he noticed the same thing.

I quickly look away from him and tweet something from the Superfruit account.

@SUPERFRUIT: hey fcuties! There won't be a Superfruit episode today due to our busy schedules. We love you!

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