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*Scott's POV*

I get out of the shower and dry myself off with a towel.

I change clothes in the bathroom, which isn't easy without help, and walk out to see Avi sitting on the bed.

He has a weird look on his face.

"You okay?" I say and extend my hand for him to help me sit.

He helps me sit on the bed.

"Um," His voice squeaks a little. "Sam."

"I know, I'm upset, too-"

"She's not dead, Scott. She's doing well, actually."

I check his body for any odd movements.

"Is this some kind of sick joke? Because I'm not into this, Avi."

"Her mom just called me, Scott. The woman you talked to on the phone wasn't her mom, it was a fan or someone trying to play a prank on you."

"I know you're lying, stop lying!" I nearly scream.

"Woah! Scotty, you can call her if you want."

I notice his bloodshot and baggy eyes and can tell that's he's just as affected by the situation as I am.

I pick up my phone and dial Sam's number.

One ring.

Two rings.

Three rings.

"Scott?" A groggy voice says.

"Sam." I whisper.

"Scott, it's like 3 A.M."

"I thought you were dead!" I cry.

"What?! Scott, why would you think that?"

"Someone called me and said that they were your mom. They told me that you died."

"Okay, well I'm not dead, I'm at home, and I'm cancer-free."

I sigh. "Thank god. I'll let you sleep. I'm gonna figure out who called me. It was strange. Goodnight!"


I hang up the phone and fall back onto the bed.

"I'm sorry for yelling, Avi."

"You're always loud, I'm used to it. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just a little shaken. Does everyone else know?"

"Yeah. They're pretty confused and worried about you."

"I'll let them know that I'm okay. Hey, you down for shopping tomorrow?"

"Sounds great."

I sit up. "I wanna walk tomorrow."

A concerned look appears on Avi's face. "Like, all day? Are you sure? I don't know if you're strong enough for that yet."

"Apparently in a week or so, I'll be able to walk again. The main reason I can't walk is because of my hips, and I've been going to therapy. I just want to get used to it."

He nods. "I think you should."

I yawn. "Yeah. I'm tired."

"Me, too. Wanna go to bed?"


He stands up. "What time tomorrow?"

"Well, we have the whole day, so... We can grab breakfast and then just go shopping?"

"Sounds great."

"Okay. I'm so excited! I haven't been shopping in a long time."

He laughs. "Goodnight, Scotty."

"Goodnight, Avriel."

I scroll through Twitter on my phone.

Thank god no hashtags started or anything.

That would be a mess.

I guess I just can't write a story without a twist, now can I.

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