five • tension

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There's an obvious tension between Finn and Levi a couple of days later.

When it comes to the two, sometimes there may be a tension in the air lingering, but it's never between the two. Finn is always easygoing and gives Levi his space while Levi always tries to be nice and cheerful with Finn, even after a tough night. Now, however, the two don't seem themselves with each other.

Right now, we're over at the Allen's for dinner. Finn and Levi sit on opposite sides of the table- I'm sitting on Finn's side- and besides from the odd monotonous requests to pass something on the table, the two are quiet. Usually the cousins, especially Finn, are joking around with each other, reciting embarrassing stories for the table to listen to as we eat. It's odd and unusual to see them like this- Finn with tense shoulders while Levi is slumped in his seat, barely picking at his food.

As the adults talk, I find myself glancing at Levi throughout dinner. He doesn't eat a thing on his plate, his mind obviously in some other place. Not a good place, I notice when Levi's grip on his fork increases and his eyes begin to glaze over. He begins to looks sick, and just as I'm about to say something, he abruptly stands up, gaining everyone's attention. "Excuse me," he says in a cold voice, pushing away his chair and walking out of the kitchen.

The table falls quiet, Katherine's face taking on a look of worry. She opens her mouth to stutter out something, but suddenly Finn stands up just as abruptly. "I'll go check on him," he says. I find myself admiring Finn for going to make sure Levi is okay even when they're obviously fighting, but I still find myself slightly uneasy with the emotionless expression on his face.

Finn walks out of the room. Katherine lets out a sigh, putting down her fork and looking to me. "Those two have been arguing all morning. Over what, I have no idea. Could you make sure things don't get out of hand between the two?"

I nod, getting out of my seat much slower than Finn and Levi had, making my way out of the kitchen and trying to figure out where the two had gone. After searching most of the first floor, I decide to try the second one. Climbing up the stairs, I begin to hear their voices arguing.

"Are you sure you're taking your pills, Levi?"

"Yes! You saw me take them this morning! Why are you pestering me so much about this?"

"I'm doing this for your own good, I'm just making sure-"

"Yes, I know, but why?"

"You know why! It's been tough night, after tough night, after tough night-"

"You heard Jeffery, he said it was because of the change of environment." Levi's voice begins to get strained. "Finn, please, stop..."

"Levi, you know I'm just trying to help... Especially after you've been complaining about the headaches."

I choose that time to slowly open the door I hear their voices coming from, both their heads snapping to me the instant the door creaks open. Levi is breathing heavily, his arms crossed over his chest, his eyes showing that half of his mind is still in another place. Finn gives me a hard look, before softening it a bit as he says, "Yes, Kinsley?"

I swallow, "My mom sent me to make sure you guys don't strangle each other."

Finn lets out a humourless chuckle, "We're fine. Right, Levi?" Levi doesn't answer him, just steps back and lets out a shuddering breath. He looks on the verge of panicking. Finn quickly steps into action, "Levi? Hey, man, breathe, okay? Go into the bathroom and splash some cold water onto your face, Kinsley and I will be in here."

Levi just nods, arms still wrapped tightly around himself as he walks around me without so much as a single glance at me, walking down the hall. I furrow my eyebrows, "Is he okay?"

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