Chapter Thirteen: The Wolf-God

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He wasn't certain where he was headed. All he knew was that his Lycan would bring him back. After all, he was only half in control when he shifted. It had been ten long years since he had last let his Lycan out. It was too dangerous to let him out in the States only because there was no place big enough where he could roam without being noticed. In his homeland, however, his territory was safe and so was his pack.

"Konstantin, I know you're there!" he called, his pace never wavering as he took a giant leap, catching the tail of a tree and jumping to the next.

"Free..." was the only thought he could get from Konstantin. Van chuckled, knowing his Lycan, Konstantin, was pacing to and fro, just waiting to be released.

Van took another giant leap and landed on his knees in the snowy terrain. The ice shifted and swirled around him as he kneeled down and slowly raised his head. Van could barely take it as the blood vessels in his eyes seemed to explode, and his amber irises glowed a bright gold. His Lycan, also known as Konstantin from his life in the other world called Altholo, growled low in excitement. He had not been to this clearing in so long that Van was eager to search for new intruders.

His neck snapped to the left with a sickening crunch that echoed throughout the distant plains. His shoulder popped, and his left arm twisted outward. His bones started to snap and break, only to realign and grow. His face contorted, and no longer was he even recognizable. A snout of some sort of beast began to grow, and his body flew forward as his size tripled.

Growls and snarls left his throat as his wolf took over. In a matter of minutes and for the first time in almost ten years, Van had released his Lycan. No longer was the businessman from Washington in control but the ancient wolf that lived inside of him.

Konstantin howled to the skies. He took his time to get readjusted to his own form and reveled in the scenery. He easily toppled the giant tree's that his master had just leaped through, and his paw prints left in the snow reminded him of the scared local humans who used to worship the ground he walked upon. He was revered as Konstantin, the Wolf God, because of his size. But that was years ago, and those humans had been dead and buried. He ignored the pang of hurt that struck through his soul.

His howl echoed for miles as he called out to his brothers and sisters. The howls that riveted back were haunting and beautiful all at the same time. It was his way of telling every creature that was within his domain and under his law that he had returned. Despite not for good, it left a peaceful silence, knowing they were safe while Konstantin watched over them. While Van was a protector of shifters and humans, his wolf was the protector of creatures of all types — be they mythical or not.

"Are you having fun, pup?"

Instantly he recognized the voice and huffed. "New Moon is near, Kasimir. Are the young one's ready?"

"Well, you've certainly gotten everyone in the mood. I think we startled Drake's pup."

The black wolf seemed amused by this. "He will learn in time."

"Don't break anything on your way back here, Alpha," Kasimir joked.

It seemed it was time to go celebrate with his family. It had been a long time after all.


Aiden shifted from one foot to another awkwardly. He had been here less than five hours, and already, he was being swarmed by one member of the pack after another. It was as if he were some sort of new toy to be passed around.

The howls he had heard earlier were very new to the young wolf. He had never been around any wolf other than Van and his father. He heard wolves often had to be initiated into a pack, which could be quite painful, but he had an instant connection the second he got off the plane. He heard so many voices in his head that it was driving him completely insane! It was like a party was going on in his mind, but he wasn't invited. Elina had explained to him that he would get used to it and learn to tune out some of the voices.

Lady and the Wolf [Book One, Lady and the Wolf Series] -Published-Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon