Chapter Twenty-Seven: *Chapters Removed Onward*

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Hey guys, Konstantinian's, Wattpadders, friends, whatever you prefer to be called, but the day has come. Due to Lady and the Wolf being published December 15th, 2016, I am now having to take down a little under half of the completed book. This kills me, but it's published, and I want you guys to read the edited version in its entirety. The published book has changed since this version was completed, and as unfair as this is, I'm sorry.

When I signed with my publisher I signed a contract that stated this would be taken down. I'm leaving over half the book up for you. I technically should have taken this down December 15th, 2016, but I just couldn't. Started this book at a terrible time in my life, and it brought me joy to have so many people care about my characters and want me to succeed. I have left it up for 6 months, and now, I must take down these chapter's.

Thank you so much for your support, and as much as I probably do not deserve it, I hope you'll follow the Amazon links in my description and review the book on Amazon. I'm working so hard to get Blood Bound completed so I can edit it and get the third book out to you guys.

I would honestly love Lady and the Wolf to hit big time on Amazon and have readers on there love it as much as you guys, but while it is still free on Wattpad people are coming here instead. I know that sometimes people cannot afford to buy books, so that's why soon I'll be having a giveaway with some Amazon gift cards and hard copies of Lady and the Wolf!

Thank you so much for your support, and I hope you'll go check out the published copy on Amazon. Just follow the links in my description on my profile. Also, follow me on Twitter and Facebook for updates on all things to do with this book, and future books.

Love you guys,

I wouldn't be here without you. 

Lady and the Wolf [Book One, Lady and the Wolf Series] -Published-Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα